Chapter 32: Stop Calling!

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"Mi-chan! Mi-chan!" Well, there's only one person who calls me that.

"Ki-chan! What are you doing here?" I asked her.

I am currently going outside the clinic since it's already time to go home. But Yuki just popped out of nowhere as I walked at the hallway.

"Are you okay now?" She asked.

"Well, I guess..." I answered. "I mean, it doesn't hurt as much like before."

"That's good to hear Mi-chan!" She gladly exclaimed.

Then an awkward silence followed.

"So... I guess I'll go now...?" I awkwardly asked.

"W-Wait!" She stopped me. "C-Can you go with me to the mall this Saturday...?"

Hmmmmmmm... I thought. Saturday... I think it's a nice day to go out--- oh... Right... The brothers...

"I-I can't..." I frowned.

"Why?" She pouted. "Do you have a walk on that day?"

"I don't—"

"Then why?!"

"I-I just can't..."

I was about to walk away from her when she grabbed my wrist.

"I won't let you go until you agree to it!" She exclaimed determinedly.

"B-But..." Think Yumi, think! "E-Eh?! Isn't that Shinju?!"

"EH?! GOOD LUCK YUMI! BYE!!" She dashed away from me.

I sighed. Good riddance...


I stepped out of the bathroom after a very nice and refreshing shower. I sighed. Well, it's time to---

Riiing... Riiing...

I jumped at the sound of a phone ringing. EHHHH?! WHO'S CALLING AT THIS TIME?!

I looked at my purple phone and saw no one calling. Hmmm... That's strange... I'm pretty sure the ring came here----!

I dashed to my desk and opened its drawer. I took out another phone and indeed, the ring came from it. Now, you might be wondering how I know of it. Not that much, I just decided to look around the entire room before and saw it, assuming it's mine. I answered the call and pressed the phone into my ear.

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