Chapter 21: Masami, a Model?!

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"Ouch!" We both yelped as we both bumped our foreheads.

I rubbed my forehead and opened my eyes to see an oh-so-familiar-brunette.

"Masami! What are you doing here?" I asked her. Her eyes widened,

"Shh!" She hushed. "Don't be too noisy!"


"Just be quiet!" She looked on every direction then dragged me to a nearby bench.

How many times have I been dragged today? -_-

"What's the matter Masami?" I asked.

"You shouldn't call me like that in public! I don't want to be swarmed!" Swarmed?

She noticed my questioning gaze and sighed.

"I thought you already know this one, but I guess not." She said. "I'm a model of a company."

A model? Wow...

"Wow..." I said. "Now I know why you're so beautiful..."

She blushed.

"Um, thanks..." She awkwardly said. Then an awkward silence followed.

"So, what are you doing here Masami?" I asked.

"I'm here to check on some students from an idol school." She said. "And they did a good job, for a newbie group."

"You mean them?" I pointed to the girls who were being swarmed with love-struck fans. She sweat-drop.

"Yes. And by the way, Yumi, what are you doing here? You look like someone who isn't interested in idols." She pointed out.

"Someone just dragged me to this place." I said nonchalantly.

"I'll guess, it's Shinju, isn't it?" She said surely.

"Yup." I nodded.

Again, the awkward silence came. PLEASE STOP WITH THE AWKWARD SILENCE!!!!! >.<

"So, shouldn't you head home now?" I broke the awkward silence.

"No, not yet." She shook her head. "I still had a photo-shoot in a few minutes."


"But can you please accompany me while I wait?" She asked.

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