Chapter 35: Yuuma's On A Fever, And I'll... What?!

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The next day, I keep on rolling around my very comfortable bed from side-to-side.

Eh, strange... No one's bothering me for school. I thought. Am I early...?

I kept on shifting from left to right so that my body can be comfortable. But that's not the case right now. I groaned as I wore the bunny slippers and went to the bathroom to groom myself. After ten minutes, I went out of my room and went to the kitchen.

"Yumi-sama!" Exclaimed a familiar voice.

I turned around and saw Tomomi heading towards my direction. I gave her a smile.

"Hey, Tomomi." I greeted.

"Yumi-sama, you're too cuteeeeee!" Yes, I know what will happen next... Get ready to move in 3... 2... 1...

She lunged at me at full power with her arms stretched and a cat-like grin was plastered on her face. I calmly moved aside so she only grasped the air as she face-planted on the floor.

"Ittai..." Her voice was muffled as she mumbled for she was still face-planted at the ground.

She quickly stood up like nothing happened.

"So, Yumi-sama!" She greeted once again. "I'm glad that you're awake!"

"Eh...?" I gave her a questioning glance. "What do you mean?"

"It's already 8:30 in the morning." She inquired.

"Oh..." I said as the words are still processing in my head.





"Wait, WHAT?!" I panicked.

Did we overslept?! How did the twins not notice the time?! I thought

"Are the twins awak--"

"Yuuto-sama went already." She explained which only fueled my annoyance more.

"So he didn't woke me up...?"My aura changed to a dark, murderous one which made Tomomi cower.

"Ah y-yes..." She quickly explained. "But it's Yuuma-sama's orders!"

"Ah... So it's Yuuma's doing huh..." I smirked darkly. "Where is he right now?"

"H-He's on his bedroom, b-but I suggest that we leave him alone--"

"Thank you Tomomi~~" I giggled darkly as she still got frozen on spot.

"Now for that idiot..." I went to the direction of his room.

"Why did you make me sleep--" I stopped from my tracks as I saw Yuuma sleeping peacefully on his bed.

I quietly went towards him. I went near him to inspect if he's trying to pull a prank at me.

Now that I'm near... I can see him more clearly... I thought. He seems kind of pale... wait... Don't tell me...!

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