Chapter 15: Attacking Once Again...

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The next day, I planned on just staying on my bed until this punishment is done. Or if I got bored, I'll just watch TV and chill. Kami-sama, please help me survive this day...

So far, the twins weren't teasing me since yesterday. Are they waiting for me to get out on my room voluntarily, or are they respecting my privacy in wearing a neko maid costume?

The second choice seemed too good to be true, so it might probably be the first choice. Just... Way too evil...

I lay at my bed and stared at the ceiling above me. I hope boredom doesn't kill me.

Then, I heard a knock on my door. I panicked and stood up to find something to wrap around my outfit. Too late, the twins already opened the door. My face immediately flushed.

"I knew it! Yumi-chan would look cute in that dress!" Yuuto exclaimed. That made my face turn into a bright cherry.

Then, I heard a click and a flash quickly followed. I look at the direction it originated, and saw Yuuma holding a camera on his right hand.

Oh no... A STOLEN SHOT!!!!

"Delete that!!" I then quickly went over to his direction and desperately reached the camera. Too bad, I lack the HEIGHT. WHY IS HE SO TALL?! "I said delete that!!!"

But he just ignored me and viewed the stolen pic.

"Hm, now I know that Yumi-san's cute in a maid costume." He complimented.

Wait... THAT SEEMS RARE! OF HIM COMPLIMENTING ME!! That just made my blush worsened.

"Onii-san, can you give me a copy of that later?" Yuuto pleaded.

"Sure." Yuuma replied and smirked at me.

I could of have fallen for that (handsome) smirk if it wasn't for that stolen picture. For some minutes, I learned that I won't ever get that camera. Never.

I sulked at a corner (with Tamaki).

"You got what you wanted, right?" I said (while growing mushrooms). "Now leave the room. I won't try and get the camera."

"Yumi-san, that isn't the only reason why we went in here." Yuuma explained. "That Cloaked Person also ordered us to attack."

"Then? You can take them by yourselves." I said, still sulking.

"If you come with us, we'll be cutting your punishment short! And we'll also delete the picture!" Yuuto exclaimed.

Those words took my attention. But I need to be sure...

"Are you sure...?" I tried to look uninterested.

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