Chapter 14: Major Embarrassment...

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OTOME-SAN'S SUPER SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING THREE CHAPTERS LAST TIME!! T^T I think I got carried away by joining Cover Contests... ^^; Peace!

Anyways~ I am taking a scholarship exam... ._. I hope I'll pass... ^^; I'm mostly play and write than study... Sooooo, Otome-chan was pleaded (forced) to study. And it's on April 29. Wish me luck!

Anyways, we have a whole week of vacation, so... More updates...?


"Where were you Yumi-chan?" Yuuto asked me as I entered the mansion. For some reason, I felt a little bit uneasy of his welcoming.

"I had been with Shou-kun." I explained. "Remember that a dog requested me to tutor him."

"Yes, we know." Yuuma came and said. "But when we looked for you, you weren't in the library. So where were you?"

I guess I should tell them huh?

"Yes, you should tell us Yumi-chan." Yuuto said. "And make sure it's the truth."

Okay... I now know that Yuuto is a mind-reader. Great, just great. -_-

"I was in Shou-kun's house." Then some dark aura came. "But, but that was because we were kicked out in the library that we only went to his house!"

"Oh Yumi-chan," Yuuto said coldly. "Did that moron do something to you? We can kill him if you want~"

One thing came to my mind, Bad end for Shou-kun.

"Nope, he didn't do anything." I sighed. "Stop being a worry-wart."

"We aren't a worry-wart Yumi, it's just-----" Okay, I'm tired. I don't care anymore.

I walked towards the direction of my room, not minding their ridiculous scoldings.

"Hey, hey Yumi! Listen!" Yuuma kept on calling me, but I don't care. I just want to change my clothes and welcome my neat and fluffy bed-sama.

"She wouldn't listen Onii-san..."

"It's alright. She'll get the surprise sooner..."


"WHY YOU TWO----- WHAT HAPPENED TO MY CLOTHES?!" I yelled, making sure my voice reach them.

Then I heard footsteps coming outside. Not too long, they entered my room.

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