Chapter 19: Ice Cream Day~

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Um, I made a little Kpop reference here. The words in an open and close parenthesis in bold are my thoughts, and not Yumi's.

I'll also have to tell you that I can't update 3 chapters since I've been recently sleeping in mornings (2 AM being the earliest) for the exams. I hope you understand.

Ooh! (Ahh Ooh ahh hage mandeureojwo-------) Have you heard about KARD's Rumor?! It's so AWESOME!! DAEBAKKKKK~~~ Taehyung-oppa sang! (J.seph of KARD, his real name is Kim Taehyung lol) (And uhhhh, don't think about the oppa thing like girlfriend to boyfriend!! Think of it to a younger girl to an older boy!! >.<)

And, if you don't know, Somin (from PRDMF) is there! She's the girl with a ponytail hairstyle. If you're confused, she's not the girl with the blonde hair.

If you wanna listen, the video's just above~!!    


Yes, it's a Saturday~~~~~

I woke up really early, like 6:30 AM. Don't ask why, I even don't know. Maybe it's normal for me. In weekdays, I usually wake up late, so there would be three things that would wake me up.

1. The brothers. (Yuuto usually pranks me in my sleep. T~T And if not, Yuuma would dump water on me... T~T)

2. The Maid, wait, what's her name again? Oh, right, Tomomi. (She usually greets me with a death hug telling me how cute I am when sleeping. Can she stop cooing already? -_-)

3. The Alarm Clock. (My safest and peaceful way of waking up. Back in my real world, I used to hate it, but now with three crazy maniacs in one roof, I guess I learned how to love an alarm clock. *-*)

And now, I guess on weekends have no pressures, so I can wake up peacefully. No maniacs trying to kill me. I hope boredom doesn't kill me today.

After multiple hours (minutes) of laying in my bed, doing nothing, I stood up. I'm getting bored, what should I do?

And only one thing came to my mind. Going to the mall...

It isn't a bad idea, actually. But I'm worried for the brothers. I-I mean when they wake up, they'll try to find me. But I guess I could tell Tomomi-chan about this, and she'll tell it to the brothers when they wake up.

I quickly took a bath and changed to this shirt:

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