Chapter 23: The Cooking Contest!

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"Yumi, wake up." A voice said while shaking my shoulders. I shook it off and moved to another side.

"Wake up, or else..." The voice started to lower. "I'll post your photo as a maid in the whole campus~"

The voice whispered into my ear as I quickly sat up and attempted to punch the person, but he grabbed my fist before it collided in his face. I glared at him.

"I thought you deleted the picture," I said in a menacing manner. "Yuuma..."

"I did." He said then smirked. "Or maybe I didn't."

I quickly grabbed the closest pillow and threw it at him as swiftly as possible, but he's much quicker as he stepped onto another side to avoid the hurling pillow. I grumbled.

"That's mean Yumi, you dare hit the person who carried you back here when you fainted?" He fake-sadden his tone of voice. I pondered for some minutes. What happened yesterday again?

The attack then infiltrated my mind. I lost... again...

"... And to make sure you won't go back to sleep, here's my morning gift." Yuuma stooped over to my level and pecked my forehead.

"YOU IDIOOOOOTTTTTTTTTT!!!" I screamed with a red face and threw everything that's close to me, but he dodged EVERYTHING of it and retreated outside the room.

"So much for a peaceful morning..." I muttered before preparing myself for school.


We were greeted once again by Hime and her friends. We are currently hanging around by the sakura tree. We were busy talking about different stuffs, until the bell rang. We sighed as we walked to our rooms. Not long, our teacher entered the room. The greetings started.

"Class," Our teacher spoke. "Today, for our cooking class, we will be holding a cooking contest. But here's the twist: since we have the same subject as the section of Diamond, we will be against them! There will be two participants in each section. For the section who'll win, they will get extra credits for the class. Now, now, who wants to volunteer?"

The class started to murmur to themselves. I only heard a few of them like, 'Do you think we'll win?' 'Kurenai-san's in the Diamond section right?' 'There's a rumor that she's good in cooking!' and a 'I heard the foods she cook ended up very spicy.'

I didn't know Akane-san cooks! I thought. I should ask Miki-chan about this.

"Hey, Miki-chan..." I whispered towards her. "Does Akane-san cook?"

"Yup!" She replied. "But I hadn't tasted her cooking. I hope I'll be able to taste hers today."

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