Chapter 31: Itadakimasu!

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I laid down the clinic's bed for a while now. I don't know how much minutes I've been here, maybe it even reached hours! Ugh, I'm really bored right now... I was about to stand up when a voice stopped me.

"Where are you going Yumi?" The nurse asked.

"I'm bored!" I whined.

"No! Please stay with me!! I want some company!" She said while giving me the puppy eyes.

I sweatdrop. Oh no... Not another idiot!

"Well then, what should we do here inside?"

"We can... Hm... Play hide and seek!" She said while her eyes sparkled.

I facepalmed. Not only is she an idiot, she's also very childish!

"But you know the room's quite small." I explained. "And also, I can't walk properly without wincing in pain!"

"Naw..." She pouted. "I was only suggesting... But how about truth or dare?!"

"We aren't even that close..." I mumbled, but I think she heard.

"What are we supposed to do Yumi~~~~~~~~?" She whined.

"A normal conversation would do you know..." I hinted.

"Ah, right, why hadn't I thought of it earlier?!" She said in excitement.

Cause you didn't. -_- I only shut my mouth.

"Let's start with me! I'm Momo, the school nurse. You're Yumi right?" She asked and I only nodded. "I like music, idols, and boys!"

"What do you mean by boys?" I sweatdrop.

"Like yours! I'm dreaming myself to have my own harem." She said dreamily. "But I think I'm too old for that... How lucky of you to have that many following you around your back!"

"I told you, they aren't my harem!" I exclaimed, embarrassed.

"They seem to me..." She mumbled. I glared at her and she seemed to drop the topic. "Aren't you friends with Masami?"

I looked at her questioningly.

"Y-yes, we're friends." I stuttered. "Why are you asking?"

"You're so lucky!" She exclaimed. "To befriend a model so easily... It's very rare!"

"It isn't really me..." I mumbled. "It's Miki who introduced everyone to me..."

"Hmmm..." She thought. "Miki...? That name sounds familiar..."

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