Chapter 22: I'm Ready-------EH?! Two Maximum Girls At Once?!

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"Yumi-chan! We're going to stir anther trouble again~!" Yuuto exclaimed as I entered the mansion.

Eh? That's... Quite... Unusual... They aren't scolding me or something.

"U-um... Okay?"

"Now, let's go~!" He said then transformed on his 'knight' form. Yuuma then followed.

I took one last glance at them before transforming on my Magical Girl form. After that, they released twin dragon from both of their violet phones that was quite identical to mine's. I gasped.

"We can't afford you losing again in a battle, plus, we need to quickly get the light girl before they all got their maximum forms." Yuuma explained.

Then why make me suffer?! You could've summoned them before!!

"Summoning the dragons takes half of our energy, Yumi-chan." Yuuto explains. "That's why we only summoned them now since there's now a maximum girl in their side."

We quickly caused havoc in the city. Not long, the group arrived in the scene.

"Stop this!" Hime exclaimed. "Blinding light!"

I turned around at Hime's direction and jumped out of the way before casting,

"Dark sphere!"

She quickly shielded herself. "Protecting barrier!"

The sphere clashed with her barrier before dissipating into the air.

"Elza and Yuzu! Let's combine! Fire and Wind, Fiery Twister!"

I turned around to see multiple twisters hurling towards me in a lightning speed. Before I could react...

One of the twin dragons went to my front and blew a dark spell towards the Fiery Twister, countering it. Both attacks clashed, and for some seconds, both attacks disappeared through thin air.

Hm, it's actually powerful... I thought. I heard Tsubasa growl.

"Mahiru and Yozora!" Tsubasa ordered. "Attack one of the dragons!"

"Hai!" They both said in unison.

"Mahiru and Yozora! Let's combine! Ice and Ground, Frozen leaves!"

Leaves formed, and were coated with ice that's quite sharpened on the tips. The leaves then zoomed at a dragon. It hit the dragon, but the dragon didn't seem faze about it. It only roared and attacked the two.

"Ice wall!" Mahiru shielded the two of them while the dragon kept on thrashing the ice wall.

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