Chapter 24: Cute...?

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"Yumi," Mayu-sensei said as everyone's packing to go home. "Please stay for a while."

I stopped on packing my stuff and thought for a moment. Did I do something wrong...?

I looked at the twins and they stared back. Yuuma whispered something to Yuuto as he nodded in response. Yuuma turned to my direction and mouthed the words:

'After this, go home or else...'

I shuddered at what punishment it would be this moment. What could be much worse than wearing a neko maid outfit...?

When everyone exited, she motioned me to go near her desk, which I followed.

"Why did you want me to stay sensei?" I asked politely.

"It's actually because," she added a dramatic pause. Dang, stop the suspense! "You've been chosen to represent Card Academy with another student in a Quiz Bee!"

As I've heard the news, I'm not sure if I should be happy, sad, or anything. I didn't bother on my emotions and thought of many questions. Why me? What does she mean by another student? Shouldn't they choose senpais and not us?

"But why me? What do you mean by another student? Why not the upper classmen?" I blurted.

"You sure have a lot of questions Kanzaki-san." She chuckled. "For your first question, you were tied by this someone as the brainiest in the entire level. Second, you'll meet them soon. Third, your senpais would participate a different level."

Wahhhh!! It just builds up my anxiousness!! I thought. She used' they' as pronoun!!

"Now... Let's go meet your soulma---- I mean partner." She enthusiastically said ands dragged me towards somewhere...

Was she about to say soulmate...?

"Here we are!" She exclaimed.

I looked at the door and to its sign. It's the library. She first peeked in and dragged me inside. I looked around and saw a familiar green-haired boy with another teacher. So my partner is-------!

"Hello!! I brought Kanzaki-san here!" She said with excitement. "Yumi, your partner for the quiz bee is Daichi!"

Daichi froze before turning around. We awkwardly stared at each other for some seconds before the other teacher cleared her throat.

"I believe you know each other...?" The other teacher said.

"Yes, we know each other." Daichi said, breaking the awkward staring.

"Good." My homeroom teacher said. "This makes the whole shippi---er-study session a whole lot easier."

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