Chapter 12: Another Day of School, and I'm Tutoring--- WHO?!

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The brothers did take good care for me in the entire afternoon. They didn't even bug me, and I'm glad. Unluckily for me, we still need to go to school for tomorrow, and that was a must. It was said by 'The Red Cloaked Mage'. She's just plain evil. T~T We even tell her about my condition, yet she just insisted on letting us attend school.


I styled my pigtails the same as yesterday and sighed. Another day of school. Oh, how much I wanted to skip, but...

I went down the stairs, but not before tripping on my own foot. Luckily, Yuuto came to the rescue, and caught me.

"Yumi-chan, you should have called us!" He pouted.

"T-Thanks." I looked down to hide my flushing face.

"You're welcome~!" He cheerily replied then grabbed my hand and slowly went down the stairs.

Downstairs, a calm looking Yuuma was sitting patiently down the couch. He looked at us and went to us.

"Are you okay now Yumi-san?" He asked.

"I guess." I said in a little voice. "A little sore from yesterday though. Anyways, let's go."

We entered the limo and the driver drove right away. I felt my head drooping, but I still managed to keep awake.

"Yumi-chan, you can lean on my shoulder if you want!" Yuuto innocently(?) said. But I highly doubt that. -_-

"No thanks."


We reached the school and were quickly welcomed by Yuki, Akane, Ayako, Shou, and Taiyou.

"Konnichiwa, minna!" I said in a small voice. "Where are the others?"

"They were tired, and only sent some of us." Yuki explained.

"Anyways~ Let's go, Yumi-tan, Yuuma-tan, Yuuto-tan~!" Ayako said cheerfully while skipping towards the entrance.

We quickly followed and we went to the Sakura Tree where the others were staying. Miki and Shinju were busy talking (gossiping), Masami who's acting as if she was a model; posing here and there (but honestly, she fits the criteria @~@), Haruki and Shou still fighting (but it seems like only Haruki's angry, while Shou only replies playfully), and Yukio still reading a book as usual.

"Minna! Yumi, Yuuma, and Yuuto are here!" She announced.

"Konnichiwa!" I greeted. They all gave us a bear hug (except Yukio and Daichi), and we had fallen to our backs. Goodie! They're all so heavy!

"WAH!! WE'RE ALL SO GLAD TO SEE YOU SAFE AND SOUND!" Miki exclaimed, her voice a bit hoarse. "We didn't saw you in school during the attack! We thought something bad happened to the three of you!"

"*cough cough* Guys, can you please get off us please." I pleaded. "We were a little bit sore from running away when the attack began!"

Well, of course, I need to lie on that part. But well, MY BODY HURTS!! T^T

"Whoops, sorry!" Shou apologized then got off, followed by Haruki, next was Masami, then Shinju, and lastly Miki.

"Much better." I said while taking the hand of the brothers for support and stood up.

"Anyways, where did the three of you go during the attack?" Masami asked.

"Well, we hurriedly went home." Yuuma answered.


They seemed to buy the idea except for Daichi who kept on looking at us suspiciously. But after some minutes, the staring had stopped.

Haruki then changed the topic, and I'm very thankful for that. For the entire free time, we kept on relaxing and talking about random stuff. The fun stopped when the bell rang.

"Geez, and to add the fact that we'll be starting our day with Meanie-sensei..." Miki mumbled. "Let's go to classes now before we get scolded."

We hurriedly went to our classrooms, and thank goodness, Baka-sensei still isn't here. We continued chatting with Miki, until a familiar click of high heels were heard. Instantly, the room fell silent.

She entered the room while adjusting her glasses. Instantly, the class president started the morning greeting.

Throughout the entire class, I spaced out. But still, I am half-listening, so that if she'll ask questions, I'll be ready and answer it using 'my' knowledge.

But nah, she occasionally asks me, only once or twice. Heh, did she now understand the power of Yumi-sama?

And I didn't even know that that numbered questionings had a price.

"Yumi, Shou, come hear." She ordered. (Does she even know how to say please?)

I questioningly went to Baka-sensei, so did Shou. I can already see the evil glint in her glasses.

"Shou, remember the things that we talked about yesterday?" She asked. Shou only nodded.

"Well, I'll have Yumi tutor you." She said while fixing her glasses. I didn't even agree to this! "Yumi, you'll tutor Shou. You just need to tutor him for the upcoming test in Science. If he didn't pass, he'll become a dropout, and you'll be the one to blame and a detention for you. Understood?"

She didn't even give me a choice. -_-

I only nodded and Shou turning back and went back to his desk. I followed and sighed.

Oh well, I already had physical pain, then now someone to tutor?! Just give me a break.

I sprawled all over the desk and set out a gloomy aura. Well, no one's going to scold me for Baka-sensei's class was done.

"How much more do I need to suffer?!" 

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