Chapter 25: Birthday Trouble!

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The next day was a normal day, I guess. Still, being teased by the twins, and being met up by the entire gang. But something, or rather, someone, was missing. But who could it be?

"Hey," I said. "Someone's missing..."

They all stopped talking and look at each other questionably.

"Okay then," Shinju said. "I'll check."

Shinju took a little notebook. Smart! You just need to check on who on the group is missing!




No response.


Still no response.

"Oh, so Ayako's missing." Shinju said while looking at her notebook. "Wait, AYAKO'S MISSING?!"

The others paled. I wonder what's the problem with that...

"Let's split up!" Shinju planned. "Yuki and Akane, look at the classrooms. Miki and Yumi, look at the rooms on the second floor. I and Masami will look at the rooms on the first floor. Boys, go find her in the courtyard. Maybe she's just wandering around... I hope..."

"Roger!" We saluted and dashed to our designated spot.

I and Miki had been running from the sakura tree to the second floor. Eh, it still is a long way to go... T^T

"Miki?" I asked her. She looked back at me. "It seems like Ayako's a big trouble. Why is that?"

"Well," she nervously chuckled. "She is, and there was one time where we all got dragged into a mess since the school council said it was our responsibility to look out for her because she's our friend. And because of that, we did a community service for a week."

"So, she's like the female version of Shou huh?" I sweat-drop.

"A little, only that she gets in trouble because she's... quite an airhead..."

We first looked at the Music Room, and saw the host club-er-people looking at us questioningly.

"Sorry for disturbing!" Miki exclaimed while bowing. "But did you see Ayako? She has curly hair that's tied in two."

"Sorry, we didn't." A girl from the room said.

"Oh," I muttered. "Thank you by the way!"

We went to another room, and the same thing happened. It lasted for a total of 6 rooms. That was, until we've reached the Cooking Club's kitchen. We saw a familiar yellow head munching on some cupcakes.

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