Chapter 36: The Final Battle, Or Is It?

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Silently hoping to get Hime, I stealthily crept onto their direction. They kept on moving frantically as I casted a dark spell to darken the place a bit.

"Ah! Where is she?!" Yuzu asked frantically.

"I can't see a thing!" Mahiru exclaimed.

"Everyone! Go near me!" Hime commanded.

Everyone tried to follow the source of Hime's voice. I groaned. Great, just great.

As I can see everyone cautiously walking to Hime like the dark surroundings was just nothing. I hurriedly ran to Hime in hopes she'll get off guard.

"Dark Sp--"

"Angel's Light!" Oh shoot! She's sharper than I thought!

I dodged the attack that Hime casted. Everyone got alerted of the sudden 'light'.

"Hime!" They chorused.

I groaned. I wasted the chance to get her.

I quickly jumped back to the shadows as her teammates quickly ran to her.

"Hime, are you okay?!" Tsubasa asked frantically.

"Why did you threw an attack?" Yozora asked worriedly.

"She's just here... Somewhere..." Hime explained. "We should be careful."

"Ball of Light..." A ball made of light floated, enough to illuminate a few places, but not all.

"Gather up, we can't afford to attack if we can't see." Hime said and released the ball of light to the air. "And I'm pretty sure she can see in the dark."

You've gotten sharper than last time, Hime. I thought. Hmm, let me take them down one-by-one.

I closed my open hands and the little ball of light was gone. Everyone gasped.

"W-What happened?!" Yuzu asked.

"Ball of Light!" Hime tried, but it didn't work. "W-What...?"

I snickered as they panicked. I should take down the one who's farthest from the group. Hmm, Yuzu's first!

I sprinted to her direction. She sensed the sudden change of her surroundings as her hands glowed a bit yellow/orange.

"Wind Dance!" She casted at a random direction.

It didn't even barely touched me. I mused.

The attack is heading towards an unknowing Mahiru. The sounds of wind whipping caused her to took action about the hurling winds.

"Ice Wall!" Mahiru casted before she almost got blown away by the winds. "Yuzu, what is with you?!"

"Sorry, sorry!" She apologized. "I thought someone's creeping at me."

Well, you aren't really wrong about that...

I pressed a hand to Yuzu's mouth. She thrashed at the sudden action.


I waved my free arm as a little ball of darkness was made. The little ball made it's way towards Yuzu as it entered her. A few seconds later, she collapsed.

One down, five more to go! I cheered.

I began to scan my eyes to the farthest one from Hime. The farthest was Mahiru, but she's a little bit near to Tsubasa.

I should be careful...

Creeping up to Mahiru, I feel my heart going to burst. It's beating at a very fast speed. One wrong move, and I'll be doomed--

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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