Chapter 28: Three Combined Elements?!

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I ran as fast as I could away from them. From who, you may ask? From the six magical girls who want nothing but to stop my evil deed.

"Vine Restraint!" Yozora casted.

I jumped away from the now growing vines and ran faster. I just can't attack them, they have already 3 Maximum Girls, and also, I'll lose power, for sure!

"Wind Dance!"

I ran faster and managed to dodge the attack. If this continues, I'll lose energy!

"Water Cannon!"

I stopped and casted a 'Dark Abyss'. The Water Cannon went to the portal.

"Stop running!" Elza exclaimed.

"Nope." I ran once again into a forestry area.

What should I do?! What should I do?! I panicked. Wait... I think I can trap them!

My hand glowed purple while I ran faster, so that I can have enough time preparing for the trap. I'll need six of it, so it'll cost a lot of power and focus.

I started preparing the spheres while trying to be alert on when they might pop out. One, two, three, four, five, six spheres! Perfect! Now, I'll compress them so they won't appear as suspicious.

I compressed them into small dark bubbles which seemed harmless at first. As I finished compressing, the ground beneath me shook. Right on time!

I jumped away as lava spewed out from the ground. I looked around and saw them running towards random directions. Argh, they're just trying to make my job difficult!

"Water Cannon!" I ran away from the spell.

I think I'll need to trap the girls with their maximum form so that it'll be easier to defend myself. I thought. At least, the trap will absorb their powers so I can use their energy to fend off the others. Now, I just need to trap the 3 girls at the same time... But since I need to keep my focus on the mini-sized bubbles, I might as well engage in physical combat. But I suck at those. T^T

I kept the bubbles hidden and made my hands glow violet. I charged first at Yozora who looked surprised. I threw a jab at her, but she moved aside. At the corner of my eye, I saw Elza preparing a strong-looking spell. I just need to redirect Yozora's movement towards Elza.

I continued throwing punches at Yozora, even though she managed to dodge them all. As we were nearing her, I threw a punch, not towards Yozora, but towards Elza who didn't even noticed. Yozora's eyes widened.

"Elza, look out!"

Elza quickly took notice and stopped at the fire spell. She rolled away just in time.

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