Chapter 10: Maximum Potential?!

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The shield broke off, and I shut my eyes, waiting for the pain. For moments, I never felt any. Instead, I feel warm and I snuggled up. I opened my eyes, and I was wrapped by a Blue rococo style thingy.

"What's happening?!" Tsubasa asked from the outside. The thing that I've been inside is transparent, so it's easy to see what's happening outside.

I felt power course again on my body, this time much stronger. I felt the blue rococo style thingy had wrapped all around my body, with the addition of pink chains. Yellowette stared at me in horror.

"She's transforming to her maximum potential..." Yellowette said in shock. "Minna! Attack her shell before her transformation becomes complete!"

"Angel's Light!" She exclaimed and shot a light towards me.

"Ocean Storm!" Tsubasa exclaimed and the skies darkened and shot powerful pelting water above me. But I am still protected by the barrier.

"Powerful Earthquake!" Yozora tried to make the ground split into two, so I could fall over, but failed. The sphere I am in then floated away, making Yozora use rocks and plants to attack me instead.

"Flaming Heart!" Elza made a heart-shape using her hand and shot some powerful-looking flaming hearts on me.

"Freezing Daggers!" Mahiru casted and there were knifes made of ice. She grabbed two and tried attacking the sphere I am in.

"Extreme Tornadoes!" Yuzu posed and two tornadoes shot above and tried breaking my barrier off.

I didn't care what happened outside; I focused on making my transformation successful. When I felt it's time, I opened my eyes and clicked something on my phone.

"Maximum! Magical dark girl, activate!" I exclaimed then the rococo style thingy and pink chains fully wrapped all around my body. Not long, they melted off, and I changed my appearance to this one.

 Not long, they melted off, and I changed my appearance to this one

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"Transformation, complete!" I said while glancing at them.

The yellowette stopped at her attacks, and so did the others.

"Why did you stop, Hime?" Tsubasa asked.

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