Chapter 7: A Whole Bunch of Idio-er-Friends!

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I looked back and saw the brothers with the questioning gaze. I looked back to Miki and she also had the quizzical look on her face.

"Um, I'm going with Miki-chan to meet her other friends." I said.

"Can we go too?" 'Blue'-er-Yuuto asked.

"Sure!" Miki said with a smile. "The more the merrier!"

We exited the room and followed Miki to a sakura tree. We met, um... 1, 2, 3, 4... 11 people! Whoa, Miki has so many friends! There were 5 girls and 6 boys all sitting down under its shade.

"Miki-chan~!" A blue-haired girl in a side ponytail ran and hugged Miki.

"Miki-chan~!" A blue-haired girl in a side ponytail ran and hugged Miki

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"Shinju-san!!" She hugged back. The three of us didn't dare move. It's quite awkward, since we don't know them.

"Miki-chan," She pulled back and had a questioning glance on us. "Who are they?"

"Ah!" Miki exclaimed. "They are the new students; I'll introduce you to them."

She pointed at me first. "Minna-san, she is Kanzaki Yumi."

Then at Yuuma. "Yuuma,"

And lastly at Yuuto. "Yuuto."

"Nice to meet you!" They all chorused.

"My name's Takara Shinju!" The blue haired girl who hugged Miki introduced. "But you may call me Shinju-san."

Then a beautiful brown-haired girl stood up.

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