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I kept rubbing my forehead that those two kissed. My cheeks still flushed. I can't help but...

"WAHHHH!! YOU TWO!! NOW LOOK! YOU STOLE MY FIRST KISS ON MY FOREHEAD!!!!!!" I whined/shouted at the now empty room.

Earlier, they bid me farewell after the kiss. They also told me about where their rooms are located. 'Red' had his room downstairs, I guess. That's what he told me. I'm not that sure though, since I hadn't saw the WHOLE house-er-mansion. 'Blue' had his room just right across.

Wait... Oh yeah... I had a train of thought earlier. But... Such assumption would be stupid. I mean, this might be the future, and there's a new city that had been called Kira City, right? I thought. Ahhhhh, I need to wash my face. My face is burning! Um, wait... Where was the bathroom located again?

I tried remembering what those two had said. They mentioned there was one on each rooms of the mansion. I could have easily found it if it wasn't for this WIDE room. I need to walk to see the entire room (or I guess my sight was just blurred due to waking up).

I sluggishly took the covers off my body, placed my foot on the cute bunny slippers, and tried walking. My legs were a bit sore for 'fighting them'. But still I managed to walk over the room.

It took me some seconds before I saw a door. I went over its direction and then twisted its doorknob.

"Woah... How fancy..." I blurted.

If I thought the/my bedroom was VERY wide for a room, and then add this bathroom! It's WAY too wide and fancy too! Name everything you can see in a bathroom, it had ALL!!

I took a step inside and stared at every direction. It's neat, I noticed. I went over to the sink area and washed my face. I looked up and then...



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Anyone who doesn't agree with me would get killed! Just kidding~

I brushed some of my tangled hair while looking at the mirror. The body that I've been reincarnated was a cute one.

After some seconds (minutes) looking at my reflection, I went out the bathroom. I decided to just stroll around the room and find something that could entertain me. After a while of strolling around, I took notice of the TV. I headed towards it and turned it on.

Reincarnated In a Magical Girl Otome GameWhere stories live. Discover now