Chapter 30: The Deadly Game of Dodgeball!

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I groaned as I noticed what subject I and the brothers will have. P.E.: the most dreaded subject of the great Yumi. Mayu-sensei's our teacher in it, so I hope it only involves writing rather than running or jumping.

We started our usual morning greetings and sat down.

"For our P.E. today, we will do..." Mayu-sensei stopped for suspense. Well for me, nope. "We'll play dodge ball with the Clubs Section!"

The others cheered, some have no reaction, and others were groaning. At least I am not the only one who thinks this is annoying.

"But wait!" Someone exclaimed. "Isn't that the class of Taiyou?"

Murmurs filled the place. Let me guess, he's good in P.E., isn't it?

"There's a rumor that he defeated a football team all by himself!" Told ya. -_-

"But don't worry!" Someone cut off. "We have Shou, remember?"

I looked at Shou's direction, which seemed to have a different aura around him. Sure, he keeps the smile over his face, but his eyes meant another thing. Haruki backed away from him since he's his seatmate.

"Keep Shou away from me!" He shrieked and backed away much more.

I sweatdrop at his reaction. But I'm pretty sure Shou had something planned at his back.

"This is going to be fun~" Shou said while fiddling with his fingers.

Will this troublemaker help us win or is he planning on betraying us...?


We already changed into our gym uniform and are currently waiting for the whistle to be blown. The Clubs (in which they have Taiyou, Daichi, and Ayako) are scanning all over our team while we are doing the same thing.

In our side, the boys (and a few chosen girls) are at the front while the remaining girls (and some boys) are at the back. That includes me and Miki. The twins, Shou, and Haruki are at the front.

On the other side, Taiyou, Daichi, and Ayako are at the front. Ayako still got her smile, Daichi intimidating us with his stare... which seemed effective... And Taiyou who's eyes seemed to burn.

The whistle was then blown, which caused a piercing sound to be heard all over the gym. Instantly, there were balls flying everywhere! There were a few who got hit from both sides and was out the game. I waited for the right time to strike.

"This is for you!!!!!!" I looked at Miki who threw her ball at the opponent. She targeted a girl whose hair is in a ponytail.

The girl noticed the ball coming towards her direction so she jumped. Miki sulked as her throw missed. But I made a comeback and hit her while she's in mid-air. Her eyes widened as the ball headed towards her. She can't do anything about it since I aimed at her leg. She got out at the game.

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