Chapter 13: Oh, And I Thought You Were The Black Sheep Of The Family But...

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Okay, well, it's exams day... I need to make up for my Arts, my score there was 79% when my other subjects has a grade of 97% above. But still, I'm happy that my arts final grade was 93%. IT'S A MIRACLE!!!

And because of that, I have only 2 chapters in store. I was supposedly making four chapters, but my parents beat me to my computer, and they used it for 2 nights. Kami-sama, help me please...

And because of that, I'll update a day earlier of my updating times. ^-^;

Otome-san's apologizing on the lame (and a little bit of pervy) jokes in this chapter. Kpop reference on the next chapter (whose still in progress)

OH!! OH!! I am not sure if I already said this but, THANK YOU FOR THE 1,000 READS, 100+ VOTES AND 30+ COMMENTS! OTOME-SAN'S SUPER HAPPY!! ^_^


"Rule no. 1: You need to listen properly. Rule no. 2: Please listen to me. And Rule no. 3: Just listen to me." I said.

Well, I just rename the first words of the sentences...

"Sure sure." He shrugged. "I never liked studying anyways."

We reached the not-so-quiet library. There were chatting, shouting, and boisterous laughter almost everywhere. Kami-sama, I am asking for your help to help me force this baka over here to study.

I looked at the idiot on my side, and he was grinning mischievously. Please, please, don't stir any trouble Shou-kun.

"Rule no. 4: No pranks or anything related to it." I warned. He gaped at me.

"Yumi-chan!! It's like you're ending my life!! I live my life for pranks!!" He over exaggerated. I face-palm.

"Then die." I dead-pan. "You'll be doing the world a favor."

"Yumi-chan is so mean!!" He faked cried. "We don't know how painful it is when you die!"

We didn't even started studying yet this guy is getting on my nerves... -_-#

"You know, it's painful at first..." I said without knowing.

"Eh? Did you experience it Yumi-chan?" He wondered. I fidgeted my fingers.

"W-Well, of course not! H-How will I know?!" I shot back.

"I dunno." He shrugged. "You just answered my question."

"A-NY-WAYS~ Let us start studying now." I changed the topic (since it may reveal something about me, dang my careless attitude)and dragged Shou to a much isolated place.

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