60) Mine

338 12 1

She's wearing pants , don't ask . She also just spilled tea on some all white yeezy's . I was looking at the tweet like : "damn... smh 😕😂"

But let's get it shpoppin 😝😂

8 days until her glo day 😍

I sat. My shin still hurt, matter of fact, the motherfucker feels swollen. Considering Shayaa obliterated it by chucking the back of a damn timberland boot into my knee. I kept muttering "I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you," in my head. Lies I tell.

"Give me my phone!" I yelled for the fiftieth time.

"Ya girl getting mad, you might as well give it to her." The dude, who's name I found out was Sean (coincidences, wow) said.

"Yeah, you might as well, asshole." I spat.

"No." He said, opening instagram.

"You're fucking irritating." And how the hell was Sean not suspecting anything?

"Thank you." He said.

I jumped out of the chair and snatched my phone. "Dickhead." I muttered.

I wanted to leave, I wanted to do everything but stay up in here with Shayaa. Shit.

"Why is we sitting here? Just tell me why." I said.

"Reasons." Shayaa said.

"Don't do this with me Shayaa, I'm pissed off, and I'm not who you want to irritate right now." I said.

"It's because I got something for you."  He said.

"And I'm supposed to want it?" I asked.

"At least act like it." He said.

"Wow, a surprise." I muttered sarcastically.

Shayaa stale faced me. I opened my phone to see what Shayaa was looking at and the furthest he had gotten was my feed.

"Happy now?" Shayaa said.

"About what? You cheated, dragged me out of house, pissed me off, called me a bitch, pulled me back into the car with the 'assload' of manners you got, screamed at me about your car door, kicked me in the knee, which might be swollen, FYI, and took my phone, and I'm supposed to be happy?" I spat. All in front of Sean. But guess who doesn't give a fuck (me).

He kicked me in the knee again and shushed me. Sean was on his phone so apparently he hadn't heard anything. Now he pushed me past my limit, that's all I needed to get up and glass him.

My knuckles were sore, and so was my knee. Sean had taken me to the back to keep me from knocking Shayaa out again. Sean handed me some ice for my knuckles, and I sat in the back room, on my phone, wiping blood off of my knuckles and putting the ice pack back up there. Don't worry, I didn't kill him. I know you was sitting there like "damn bitch, what the hell you did to his face?"

I checked my location. We were all the way out in Springfield, what the hell? I didn't play reluctant and argue my ass off to get taken from Chicago to the damn capitol of Illinois.

I took my rag and wiped the blood off of my knuckles again. My knuckles stung at the contact of the hot water

Sean came into the room with Shayaa behind him. I tucked my hand under my legs. "You still didn't tell me why we came here." I said.

"Just wait." He said.

"Well what did you want?" I asked.

He tossed something and I barely dropped it. Of course it was a pre roll. "Who got a lighter?" I asked.

"Knowing you, it's probably one in ya coat pocket." He said.

"True." I said, digging in my jacket pocket. I pulled out my lighter and paused. "Ion smoke kush, what is this?" I asked.

"Issa swisher." He said.

I examined it, and then finally lit it. "Thank you." I said after taking a hit.

Shayaa twisted his hair and shoved his phone into his pocket.

"Can I get a minute with him?" I asked. Sean left the room closing the door behind him.

"What is it?" Shayaa asked.

"Let me make this clear right now." I said, tapping out the swisher in the ash tray next to the desk."I do not like you. I do not love you, and there was no point in lying to Sean. If and when we get back to Chicago, keep my name out of your mouth. Don't say anything about me because I clearly don't fuck with you anymore which is your own fault. I said I might still have feelings for you but that don't mean I'm gone be running back to you like a damn drug addict. Get that through your thick ass skull." I said.

"Shut up." I said as he was about to say something.

He waited for me to go on. "Delete my number, unfollow me on instagram and twitter, block me on snapchat, and whatever shit I got over your house, you can drop that off at my door when we get back." I said.

Shayaa opened his mouth again. "I'm not finished." I said.

"Then hurry the fuck up." He said.

"Okay then say something since you got a commentary for the smallest bullshit." I spat.

Hi .

I been sitting here with this update in my drafts , procrastinating like shit 😂

i realized how India ( chys daughter) was all up to your minds , so in the next chapter I decided to put her in .

this a heated argument . Once again ...

Issa fight .

Shout out to xx_joy_writerxx 😁 you aiight ...

Okay bye .

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