4) No Hard Feelings, but I've Got Feelings

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Didn't I tell you? Just look. You can see it in her thighs and her legs. Lmao, I'm weird, noticing stuff like that😝. (And I fucking need those shoes tho😍) But anyways, here go the update.

Shayaa Bin Abraham-Joseph:

I ain't talked to Seandrea since that day in the car. Which was about three weeks ago. I was trying not to feel like she was avoiding me, but it was dawning on me more and more.

I was starting to feel like it was an accident. But even I could tell Seandrea was blushing mad hard.

I was thinking about this when my phone vibrated. It was a long text message from Seandrea.

Shayaa, I know we ain't talked in a few weeks. I know you probably wonder why I haven't really talked to you but I don't wantchu feeling like I'm tryna stay as far away as I can from you. I was prolly feeling the same way you was when it happened. It was how it went. I know it's only been two days together but I'm not gone deny I got some feelings for you. I done took the last three weeks to consider myself. How I was feeling. Stuff like that. I don't wantchu to feel bad. I don't want none of them negative emotions. Just know, I'm not tryna avoid you or anything like that. I just needed some time to myself. Imagine me smiling cause you read this message. Just remember that I'm never tryna stay away from you. Okay?

The message was real heartfelt. Now I felt bad for feeling like she was tryna avoid me.

I shoved my feet into my shoes and walked over to Seandrea's apartment building. I looked through the log on the intercom and pressed the button on the Intercom. "Who is it?" She said.

"Window." I said.

I saw curtains shift on the second floor window. She looked down at me and walked away from the window. She buzzed me in and I went up the stairs until I found her door.

I knocked on the door and she unlocked it and opened it. She looked down. Then she looked up at me and let me in. "Shayaa, I'm sorry." She croaked.

"Nah nah, ba-- Dre. You'on gotta be sorry for nothing. If anything I should be sorry." I said.

She sat down on the couch. "Shayaa, can I be honest with you, without judgement?" She asked.

"Yeah, I wouldn't judge you in the first place." I said.

"I truly don't even know where we are at this point. I'm still undecided. I really don't even know how I'm feeling." She said.

It was mad awkward now. I pulled her into a bear hug and the same fireworks from three weeks ago was there again.

We were just leaning in when somebody knocked on the door. Seandrea jumped back and went to answer the door. Once she looked through the peep hole, she motioned for me to go to the back room.

I sat on her bed. Her dresser was cluttered with perfume, envelopes and such. What caught my eye was the lighter, an ash tray and two backwoods on the night stand.

Seandrea didn't seem like the type to smoke but then again, she was pretty chill at times. "I don't give a fuck!" Seandrea yelled.

"Come on, Dre." I heard a male voice say.

"No. I'm done. Go. Fuck off." She said.

The person said something. "Hakeem, I mean it. You on too much shit, you know." She said.

The door slammed and she came into the room where I was.

"I'm sorry if you heard that." She said.

"Nah, you good." I said.

I put an arm around her and squeezed her shoulder.

"Shayaa." She said.

"Yes?" I replied.

"I'm not ready for this yet, no lie. I mean, I really don't mind getting into something like this with you, I'm just not ready yet. I just don't want you to feel like I don't like you, I didn't really care much for that day in the car. It's only cause I'm not ready yet." Seandrea said.

"It's cool. Don't worry about me." I said.

Seandrea's current emotional state of mind was making me worry about her. One, she took things like, compliments hugs and kisses differently than normal. Two, she often felt like people thought bad of her.

I got up. "Well, I guess I might as well go home now." I said.

"Bye, Shayaa." She said. She got up and hugged me. It was a long hug, my arms around her (formerly) small waist and hers around my neck.

I looked at her and she hardly made eye contact with me. I walked towards the door and she followed so she could lock the door.

Seandrea Sledge:

Once Shayaa left, I yelled out in frustration. Why was I so paranoid? I didn't get it at all. I was so worked up.

I grabbed my backwood. It wouldn't get rid of the stress completely but temporarily is better than nothing.

Was I high? Hell yes. Did the stress melt off? Fuck no. Nah, I'm just playing.

I was definitely high, without a care in the world. I wasn't thinking about Shayaa, Hakeem, Imani, none of them.

Before I moved out, my mother never approved of me smoking so much. That's part of the reason why I moved out. I had one more backwood left. I would have to snatch one or two more from my plug.

I puffed out the last of my backwood and jabbed it into the ash tray.

The TV was on mute the whole time. I don't know why but everytime I smoke, I put the TV on mute.
I called Deja over and she was there in 10 minutes. "So, y'all done hugged, kissed, he done talked to you. Told you his problems, you told him yours. And you undecided?" Dej said after I told her the whole story.

"Yes." I said into my pillow. I was laying face down on my bed with my face in the pillows.

"Is it cause of Hakeem?" She asked.

"I don't even know." I said, the pillow muffling my voice.

"You just need to hurry up and decide cause it seem like you need some more dick in your life." Dej said and I sat up so fast it made me dizzy.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

"Well, I mean, y'all was this close to kissing before Hakeem came. Like you said." Dej said.

"I don't want no recycled shit." I said, smashing my face back into the pillows. I screamed in frustration again.

"Is this really making you that frustrated, Dre?" Deja said.

"Yes, Deja." I said.

"Okay, tell me y'all whole history in the last four weeks." Deja said.

"I first met him when I bumped into him in the street. That was when I didn't respond to you. Then I found out he lives right across the street when I saw him while I was getting out of the car. After that I found out he knew your little man crush Symere--"

"I already fucking told you I don't like Symere!" Deja cut me off.

"Okay, okay. But anyways he hooked me up, got me into the booth. Then we talked outside the studio and he gave me a ride home it happened. We haven't even talked in the last three weeks." I said.

Awweeee, hey y'all.

How is y'all day going?

How y'all feel about them not communicating for three weeks?

What y'all think about how they came back together?

Oooooooh, they was finna kiss again😘

Okay bye.

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