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"Kim Sohee, wake up. Let's go to school." Taehyung shook her daughter's body who's under the blanket. He yawned while still shaking her body. "Kim Sohee." He called again but to no avail. He look at her daughter who is all curled up. Kicking away the blanket they were sharing, he pick her up bridal style and walked towards the bathroom. He put her down on the floor, standing. Dipping both of his thumbs in the water, he wiped his daughter's eyes. Sohee blinked her eyes and look at her dad.

"Can I skip today?" She said. His father chuckled at his 11 year-old short-haired daughter who is wearing a baggy shirtㅡ his shirt. "Then I can skip work too and we won't get to eat as I don't get my income, how's that sound?" At that, his daughter puckers her lips. She then pushed her dad out of the bathroom and closed the door. Taehyung chuckled again and moves away to clean their living room where they were sleeping.

On the other hand, Sohee squeezed the toothpaste to her own toothbrush in a size of an ant and brush her teeth. Toothbrush is the only thing they didn't share in the house. "Appa, buy a new toothpaste!" She shouted.



Walking side by side while holding hands, Sohee munched on her plain bread once then passed it to her dad and the latter munch on it once. "Yummy?" Sohee nodded while smiling. Taehyung passed back the bread to her daughter. "You can finish it."

Receiving it, she mumbled thanks. After finished munching, she looks up to her dad. "You'll get money today right?" Taehyung ruffles her short hair. "Yeah, we'll be eating something fancy today." At that, Sohee released her hand from her dad's hold and skips happily. "Hey, be careful! You'll fall!"

"What's for dinner??" She asked while walking backwards. Her dad put his index finger to his chin and looks up, thinking. Then, he put his finger to his lips. "It's a secret."

Sohee frowned. "Appa, tha- ah!" She fell on her back and started crying. Taehyung ran towards her daughter and kneeled down. "I told you so. We're skipping today." He picked her up and pat her bum from dust. "We?" She asked while still sobbing.

"Yup, honey. Let's get back home."


She was everything I asked for. When did she changed?

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