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"Sohee-yah, can you tell me what's wrong? I even bought this cheese ramyeon but you don't even touch it." Taehyung frowned while looking at her daughter who's studying. Yeah, you heard me.


"Kim So-"

"Who am I?" She suddenly asked, making Taehyung stopped calling her. "Em.. Kim Sohee?"

"Who am I, appa?"

"My daughter, of course."

"Well, that's what confusing me! Why are you so young yet you have a 16 year old child? Who's my mom and where is she?!" She shouted, causing Taehyung to jerk back.

He sighed. "I told you before, didn't I? She's abroad. But she came frequently every 1am, when you're asleep."

"Don't lie to me!" She snapped. "I'm 16 for God's sake! I've gotten smarter than before, what do you take me for?!"

"Quiet down, Sohee-yah. The neighbors will be mad."

"No, you quiet down! Think before you fuck someone, filthy man!"

"Kim Sohee!"


Taehyung breathe heavily. "Are you calling me a sinner?" Sohee cries while holding her cheek. Slowly, he realised something. He just slapped his own daughter.

The second time.

"No.." He walks closer to Sohee. "I'm sorry, honey. I didn't mean to!" But Sohee drags herself back. She cries more in silent, just looking at her dad. Taehyung takes the cup of cheese ramyeon and hold it in front of Sohee. "Come, I'll feed you."

But, Sohee kicked it away. The ramyeon cup topples down on the floor. Taehyung watched the mess that her daughter made and he look at her with blazing eyes. "Kim Sohee!"

"Ahh!" She screams at his face and run out of the house. "Yah, Kim Sohee!" He shouted, calling her. Before running out, he look at the ramyeon on the floor and pick them up with his big hand, then put it straight into his mouth. "My first meal."

After that, he run out, chasing after Sohee.

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