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Taehyung was first sent to the hospital for check up because he fainted and was hurt pretty badly. He got bandaged at the head and scratches all over his face and body. When he was about to stand up from the bed and go home, a doctor and a nurse stopped him.

"Kim Taehyung-ssi?" Taehyung looks up to the doctor who called him. "Where are you going?"

"Home." He answered, look elsewhere. "I have to cook for my daughter. But, can I borrow your phone? I need to call my boss." The doctor nodded and gave his phone to Taehyung. The latter called his boss saying he's sick and needed to take a day off, which the boss excused him. He thanked him and gave the phone back to the doctor.

"Thanks, doc. I'll go first."

"Wait!" He was stopped again by the doctor. "Can I see you for a second?"


"We ran a check up on you when you fainted." The doctor said and Taehyung gasped. "Damn, do I have to pay?"

The doctor shook his head. "I'm doing it for free because I didn't ask for your permission."

"Oh, okay." Taehyung sighed in relief. He always wanted to do a full body check up for both him and Sohee but he didn't have any money to do so. He suddenly felt thankful for Sohee and smiles softly.

"One of your kidney is damaged and you're diagnosed with brain tumor. You only have 5 months to live." His smile faded. He looked at the doctor's serious face.

"Excuse me?"

"You can ask me anything, Taehyung-ssi."

"Who will take care of my daughter? She just enrolled in her new school. Make it 9 months at least, until she graduated." He said. The doctor shook his head. "We can't change fate, I'm sorr-"

"How much do I have to pay so that I can live for 9 months more?"


"My daughter, is the biggest bitch in the world and that knuckle head is clumsy as hell. She's 16 and she still haven't had any handphone or branded goods. I need to live so I can buy all of those for her. Doc, how can my cutie survive without me?!"

The doctor and the nurse fell silent. Taehyung pants heavily and his eyes were teary at the thought of Sohee being alone when he's dead. "Doctor." He called the doctor, named Kim Seokjin, and the latter looked at him with sympathy all over his face.

"How much do I have to pay for my daughter to diagnose with this shit and die first? I don't want to be selfish and leave her alone."

a/n: tae knew that sohee is a bij lmao

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