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"What's your number?" Taehyung took out his phone, the one that he bought for Sohee but the latter didn't accept it. It's his now as he doesn't want to throw it away. Hoseok look at the man who is holding a broom and chuckles.

"Man, where did you get that? My grandma is using it too." Taehyung looks at Hoseok and sighs. He knew how outdated he looks right now. "Alright, I'm sorry. Here, I'll save mine for you." After Hoseok saved his number, he gave it back to the cleaner who thanked him then.

Taehyung checks the number and cringes. "Seriously? 'Your Hope♡'?"

"So you won't confuse my contact with someone else's!"

"But I only have your number." Hoseok clears his throat, not knowing how to respond. Taehyung grins and slapped the guard's back. "Hey, it's okay. I'm not hurt."

The guard rolls his eyes. "I didn't ask. Now go and do your job. Thinking again, why are you here? I said I don't want a partner here because-" And his nags continues.

Taehyung grins and scratch his nape. I'm gonna miss this.


After the night before when Taehyung and Sohee got into a fight again, Sohee ran from home and doesn't return. The man searched for her in every place possible but to no avail.

Explaining while Taehyung looks like she's stalking Sohee.

Strangely, the girl came to school. Taehyung who's his face is covered with mask, continue to swipe the hall slowly. Every movement from Sohee is normal.

Her opening the locker, taking the books out, closing it, socializing with some friends.

Taehyung is kind of satisfied, knowing that her daughter is doing well at school. She got friends that are consist of girls and boys.

But why does she seems so close to this one boy?

The hall is emptying but both Sohee and the guy are still talking at her locker looking so friendly. Knowing it would be weird if he keeps on swiping at the same place, he moves to the end of the lockers and hides there. It's only 4 feets far from Sohee's locker. The empty hall helps even whispers from them to echo and can be heard at such a close radius.

"So, are you going home today?"

After few seconds of silence, Sohee answers the guy. "I don't know."

Taehyung frowns. "Don't. You can stay at mine again today." After that, Taehyung doesn't hear any answer from Sohee. He silently prays, hoping her daughter will reject the jerk.

"My parents aren't home." Taehyung's eyes widens. 'No!' He screams in his head.

Yet again, there's no answer from Sohee. He can heard some movements and tries to finally take a peak at both Sohee and the guy.

Anger takes over him as he knocks the lockers with his broom hard enough to stop the disgusting view of the guy and Sohee kissing.

Taehyung quickly run away, desperately trying to hold his tears from falling.

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