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Taehyung opens his eyes slowly and sighs after looking around to find that he was dreaming about his brother. He was confused too on how Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook are in the same room as him. He slowly realizes that he's at the hospital. Rolling his eyes, he decided to worry about the bill later.

"Oh he's awake!"

"You're okay, man?!"

"Stop asking that, hyung. You know I'm not."

Jimin comes closer. "Should we tell Sohee?" He frowns when the older man shakes his head. "But she should know!"

"Who's Sohee?" Hoseok scratches his head. "Your daughter? Pfft." He scoffed and when Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook nod swiftly, he chokes on his breath."Wait- what? You kidding? Why didn't I know?"

"You never ask?"

"Oh please Kim Taehyung! You always tell about your day when I didn't even ask!" Hoseok looks at Taehyung dissapointedly. "I'm-"

"Excuse me."

All of them turn to look at the interrupter by the door. "Hey, um.. I want to talk to the patient."

"Hyung.. Are you really going to tell him?" Hoseok asks the doctor, Kim Seokjin. "I'm afraid he's still unstable."

"What are you guys talking about right now?" Taehyung suddenly speaks. They look at him and silence fell upon the room. Then, Seokjin sighs regretfully. He strides closer to the bed, feeling heavy all over. "I guess it's okay if all of you know about Taehyung's condition. It makes it easier to take care of him."

Taehyung frowns. "Get to the point, doc."

"Firstly, we are very sorry. Something went wrong with our system the other day and it resulted to a false information about your.. counted days. When I checked up on you, I did say you've only got 5 months but," Seokjin stops shortly and curled his hands into fists tightly. "instead, you've got only 11 weeks left."

It takes too long for a response and Seokjin turns to look at the patient. "Taehyung-ssi?" He looks at the man who's only gaping and looking so lost. Not long after that, the patient speaks.


Hoseok tightly shuts his eyes as he feels it watered. He blinks it away and says angrily, "No stupid! That was 2 months ago."

"What?!" Jimin and Jungkook shouts. "So you only got likeㅡ 3 weeks left?! Sir, Sohee must know!"

"Shut up, Jimin! When I said no once, it means no along the way!" Taehyung suddenly sits. "Can you students go out for a minute. I need to talk to Hoseok and Seokjin."


"Kim Sohee."

"Oh. Hey guys." Sohee replies shortly while arranging her books at the locker.

Jimin rubs both of his hands nervously. He promised Taehyung not to tell Sohee anything and he won't broke it. But the older male didn't say anything about hinting. "So.. Going home?"

"Nope. To Namjoon's."

Jungkook frowns. It's been two weeks since she's been going to Namjoon's. "I thought that we told you to stay away from him. He's nothing but bad news." He looks at Sohee from head to toe. Her skirt is only long enough to cover her butt and her shirt is clinging to her body tightly, it makes Jungkook suffocated. "And you're turning into the same thing."

Sohee closes the locker loudly. "Jeon Jungkook."

"Why do you care?" She narrows her eyes at the tall boy. "Do you perhaps.. like me?"

"What?! No! I'm a friend, can't I care?" True, he doesn't likes her but as her friend, he does. Jimin nudges him to shut him up. Jungkook stops raging and only glares at the girl.

"Listen, Sohee."

"What?" She spats.

"Don't you have a family?"

"You're not going to tell me about how your family are all burnt by the flames and about how you've been living with Jungkook and his family for 5 years, again, right?"

"Kim Sohee, you're going too far!" Jungkook angrily said.

Sohee scoffs. "Well next time, don't care." She rolls her eyes and walks away.

"That bitch-"

"It's okay, Jungkook. I'm fine."


"Let's go."


Sohee crosses her arms as she stares at the door in front of her. "It's been awhile. Home, huh?"

She opens the unlocked door and just walks around with her shoes on. Dragging a luggage with her, she takes what's needed to bring to Namjoon's house. When she was done, she was zipping her luggage but stops when she hears someone calls her.


"Shit." She rolls her eyes and turns around to face his father.

"Are you real?"

"Shut up."

Taehyung smiles. "Okay." He gets in and sits at the corner of the room, just watching her. He doesn't care whether the girl's entering the house with shoes on or whether her uniform is too tight and short for his liking or even when he saw a hickey on her neck.

He is just happy that she's home.

"Can you not stare at me?"

"Oh. Sorry." He looks down and grins. Even so, he peeks slightly and frowns. "Why are you red all over, Sohee?"

"Why are you talking?"

"Oh, sorry." Okay, maybe I'll ask her later after she finished cleaning.

After a few minutes, Sohee stands up and pulls her luggage with her towards the door. Taehyung stands up quickly. "Where are you going?"

"Away." Sohee scratches her neck, feeling itchy.


"Because I wanted to."

"But I just meet you after weeks. Don't wanna hug your daddy here?" Taehyung opens up his arms and grins but his daughter only glares at him in disgust.

"You're not even my dad."

She opens the door and walks out but not after slamming the door. The man's arms drops slowly and so is his smile. His eyes started to get blurry but he tries to blink it away, only to have a drop of tear drops from his left eye.

"Right..? I'm sorry."

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