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She twirls around to show off the female school uniform on her body. "Appa, what should I do?"

"What, regretting it now?" Taehyung smirks at her daughter. Sohee ignored his dad's remark and sobbed dramatically instead. "I look so irresistible in this." His dad's eyebrow shots up. He points his finger at her. "That's a wrong choice of word when you're only wearing a school uniform." Suddenly, Sohee pleads and pouted her lips while clasping her hands.

"Please let me have this!"

"Bullshit! I just bought your uniform!"

"That's for male!"


"Appa, please! Just this once and I won't ask for more next-"

"Kim Sohee!"

Sohee stops immediately. She look at his dad who is breathing heavily after shouted at her. That was the very first time he ever did that and she suddenly gets teary.

Taehyung looks up at his daughter. "It's expensive, you get me?" He walks towards his daughter and hold her wrist. "Take it off. We're going home." But the girl snapped her hand away. She then run towards an employee there and started to beg. "Please give it to us!"

"Kim Sohee!"

"Miss, you'll have to purchase it to have it." the employee smiles weakly. Sohee shakes her head violently and started to hold the latter's hand. "Let me have it!" She then started to get on her knees. Her action have made a scene and everyone started to gather around them. Taehyung face-palmed his face in anger. "Kim Sohee, stand up."

"You see, I'm a girl but I went to school with a male uniform because we cannot afford the female's one! Think of it as a donation, you'll be rewarded in afterlife!"


Taehyung pants in anger and look at her daughter after slapping her across the face. He grabbed Sohee's arm and dragged her to a changing room. Closing the door harshly, he started to unbutton the blazzer but kind off having a hard time because he is forcing it. "Take this off and change!"


"You heard me once, Kim Sohee." He went out, leaving her daughter crying while changing her clothes.


Taehyung opens the door harshly and drags Sohee inside who is still crying. She never saw her dad this angry before and seeing it now, she's scared and flustered as fuck. Reaching the toilet's doorknob, he opens it and pushes Sohee inside and close the door again. Sohee pounds the door from inside while calling his dad. "Appa!"

He doesn't care even if she's scared in the dark. She is.

Taehyung locked the door and pounds the door back. "Stay there!" And he goes out again, leaving the still screaming Sohee inside the dark bathroom.

2 hours later.

He opened the door and walked in. Seems like she's quiet now. He thoughts, worriedly. Taehyung put his bag down and straight away walks towards his stove. He boils a pot of water and put a pack of ramyeon in with an egg. While waiting for the ramyeon to cook, he run towards the bathroom after taking something out of his bag.

He knocks once and opens the door by himself. Sohee comes into picture with messy looks and tear-stained face. He switches on the light and hold out the new uniform in his hand. "Gift." Sohee's eyes widens and she stands up hastily and when she was about to grab the clothes, her dad's hand pulls back.

Again, she looks like she's about to cry. Taehyung sighed. With his other hand, he ruffles her daughter's hair and smiles softly.

"Come out and eat first. I cracked an egg into your ramyeon, just how you like to have it."

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