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He walks inside the police station, panting. Looking around, he spots the familiar face that is Kim Sohee. Taehyung watches her from afar silently. She was sitting infront of the officer with blank face, lips bleeding and bruised face, still in her school uniform. Without further due, he run towards her. As the officer saw him, he bows his head. "I'm his dad."

The officer looks at him up and down and mutters, "No wonder."

"Your daughter here is underaged yet she went inside a bar which I don't know how. She didn't drink anything, thankfully. But she snatched a man's whiskey and attempted to drink it and got beat instead." The officer shook his head. "You can go home now."

"Thank you, sir." Taehyung said and hold Sohee's arm. Without saying anything, she stood up and follows Taehyung back home.

"Yah, Kim Sohee." He calls her daughter which he doesn't get any answer but he talks anyway. "You should have snatched rhe whiskey and make a run with it.

I want to have a taste." Sohee laughes softly, followed by Taehyung who laughes loudly and ruffles her daughter's hair.


As usual every morning, Taehyung fixes Sohee's tie, uniform, hair and everything. "Let's go."

"Where to?"

Taehyung stiffles a laugh. "Where else? Your school, of course." He grabs her hand but she pulls back. "Not today." She says.

The dad's eyebrow shot up. "Why?"

Sohee bites her lower lips. "I- I'll study." Again, Taehyung laughs. "Where does that comes from? Come on, I'll drop you off." He grabs Sohee's hand again.

"I said no!" She shouted and stomps out of the house. Taehyung blinks confusedly. "Maybe she wants to be independent. Heh." He smiles softly and when he was about to slip in his boots, he saw the bread he gave to her just now. Picking it up, he said, "When did she dropped it?" Grinning, he slips in his boots while looking at the bread. "Gotta give it back."


"Sohee-yah!!" Taehyung shouts from afar, gaining some attention from other people but they decide to ignore it. Sohee stops walking and turns her head fast, feeling suprised. "Appa?" She questioned, frowning.

As soon as Taehyung is infront of her, he grinned. "Here. You dropped your breakfast infront of the door."

"I'm not eating that." She turns around quickly and was about to walk away when Taehyung grabs her hand. "What do you mean? You always love this." She scoffed.

"Who would love plain bread, huh? It's not even in package and I dropped it on purpose on your boots. Ring a bell?" She crosses her arms over her chest. Taehyung purses his lips.

"Um.. I have to buy a new one?"

Again, Sohee scoffed. "It fell on your dirty boots, why would I eat that?!"

Taehyung frowned. "You're saying the bread is dirty?"


"Says who?!" He stuffed the whole bread inside his mouth and chews it faster. "I kwen eit ey jos fawn!" I can eat it just fine.

"Appa, that's disgusting!" Sohee said, which made Taehyung stopped chewing.

He always eat the food he picked up whenever infront of Sohee and she never says anything. She laughed even. But now, she's feeling disgusted of him. He then continues chewing faster and gulped the bread down. "Sohee-yah. That hurts." He smiles awkwardly, hoping for what Sohee said was a joke.

"And that is your problem." His smiles faded.

She turns away with the disgusted expression and was again about to walk away but is stopped by his dad who holds her wrist. "Let me go!"

"Kim Sohee, what's wrong with you!"

"Let me g- Help! He's harrasing me!" Sohee suddenly shouts, gaining attention and making a scene. The crowds started to take recordings and pictures. Some are whispering to each other while looking at Taehyung. Taehyung pulls Sohee closer. "No, it's not what y'all think!"

"Bro, let go of her." A bunch of guys come closer towards Taehyung.

"Hey, I'm his dad!"

"No, he's not!" Sohee denied and Taehyung looks at her, hurt is all over his face. "Sohee-yah." He calls slowly but she ignores him. "Let go off me!"

"Why're you lying, man?!" One of the guy hold Taehyung and pulls him back. "Go before we report you." Another guy hold his other arms. Taehyung struggles from their hold and calls Sohee once again. "Wait, I've to take her home!"

"Man, you're disgusting!" The crowds take his words the wrong way and the guys who were holding him start to beat the shit out of him.

One of the crowd, an ahjumma, walks towards Sohee who only stands there and watches his dad, doing nothing. "Young girl, take this money and go to school okay? Take care." Sohee takes the money and after being pushed by the ahjumma, she run to the school without looking back.

a/n: sohee is a bitch.

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