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"We're out of shampoo." She said.

Fixing her uniform, Taehyung nods and tie her daughter's tie for her. "Appa, can I at least wear a girl's school uniform next year? For once? Hm?" She clasped her hands together and make a puppy face.

"Don't move." He puts her hands down and continue fixing the tie. "Nope. It's too expensive?" After that, he fix her short hair.

Frowning, Sohee dodges her dad's hand. "This hair too. I've never had my hair longer than past my nape in my entire life. Can't you let me grow them?" She cross her arms across her chest. At that, Taehyung copies her. "Nope. Shampoo is expensive too. Now let's go before you're late." He picks up her sling bag.


"No means no, honey."

"But the way you cut my hair is so ugly! It's messy and- ugh! Looking at the school toilet's mirror is making me sick." Sohee pretends to gag.

Looking at his daughter, he smiles. "That's because you're ugly."

"Ouch! Appa, that hurts." She puts her hand on her chest and gasps dramatically. "Or maybe because I'm your daughter, that's why."

"Yah! Ugh, Kim Sohee. Enough drama for today, you'll be late. Let's go."


"I'll get my pay today." Taehyung said. Sohee's eyes gets wider and she stared at her dad's face. "What's for dinner??" Taehyung ruffles her hair and pinched her nose. "Food comes first, huh."

"Tell me tell me!!" She removes her dad's arms around her shoulder and stare at him with hopeful eyes. "It better not be ramyeon and triangle kimbap again!"

He laughs at her loudly. "Hey, that's not bad you know?"

"Yeah but for almost the entire life eating that for special occasion, that's really bad."

Taehyung then once again slings his arms around her daughter's shoulder. They started walking again but Sohee is still looking at him. "Don't worry because it'll be even better."


"Shush! You're in front of the gate. Now go inside and make daddy proud." He pushed her inside the school gate and waved at her. But before she even stepped further, she turns around and run towards her dad to kiss him on the cheek. "Bye!"

"Look forward, Sohee-yah!"


"Of course."

She narrowed her eyes at his dad while grabbing the chopstick tightly. "Of course it's ramyeon and triangle kimbap again." They were sitting on the floor as there is no table in their house. Well, no enough space actually.

Taehyung laughs at her. "Hey, there's tteobokki too! Learn to see, will ya?" He reach out his chopstick to take one rice cake and stuffed it into his mouth. "Yummy!" He innocently chews while looking at her daughter who's red all over. "What? Want Appa to feed you?"

"I'm not eating." Sohee slams her chopstick down on the floor and gets up. She grabs their towel and walks to the bathroom before her dad can even stop her.

"I'll finish all of this!" He heard the door bang once loudly. "Okay, okay. You're not eating, I get it. Don't bang the door like that next time okay, you'll get injured again!"

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