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a/n: in previous chapters when jimin wanted to meet sohee, they met on chapter 11. idk if yall noticed but when there's 0.5 at the chapter, it's the flashback of every chapter. get it? hope yall do 🌚

"She didn't come again?" Hoseok asks the two students in front of him. Jimin and Jungkook wordlessly nod their head. "It's been 3 days already. Did you guys checked Taehyung's house?" Again, they nod at Hoseok's question.

"We went there everyday and waited for hours for her but she's not there. We can't ask any friend because we're her only friend." Jimin explains. Suddenly, Jungkook gasps. The two other men look at him weirdly.

"Hyung!" He pointed at something. "We can ask her boyfriend!"

"Waitㅡ what? She got a boyfriend? Damn, she's so dead if I tell Taehyung about this." Right after he finished talking, the two students run toward the said person.

"Oi, hold on!" When the boy turns, they stop right in front of him. "Kim Namjoon."

From his furrowed eyebrows, they know he is annoyed. "What?" Jungkook pushes Jimin forward and the older boy hisses. "Stop pushing me, coward." He whispers angrily which Jungkook just smiles apologetically.

Jimin coughs loudly to calm his nerves. "So, you're Sohee's boyfriend?" He hears Jungkook snorts behind him and he shuts his eyes to hold himself from straggling the boy. He knows he sounded like Sohee's dad just now but he doesn't care. At his question, Namjoon chuckles.

"Boyfriend? I don't play relationship, shortie. She's just a fling." Jungkook manages to grab Jimin's arm before the latter was about to launch forward. "If you're searching for her, Gangnam Love Motel room 46. I can't keep on paying for her room." He tosses a set of key which landed on Jimin's head and then it falls on the ground.

"You disgustingㅡ"

"Oh, you might need gloves, masks and shit. You know, in case you might get infected." Namjoon smirks and left. Jungkook is held back by Jimin as his eyes get teary. "What a fucker!" He yells and people started to look at him. "He must have done something to Sohee, hyung!"

Hoseok who heard them come running. "What did he say?" His question is left unanswered.


"Man, this place is sure nasty. Are you sure she's here?" Hoseok lowers his eyes when a girl wearing only her undergarments walks past him. "I think I know what Namjoon did to her." He continues trailing behind the two students without saying anything because he knew, the students get the idea.

In front of room 46, Jungkook fondles with the key. "Hey, let's put these on." Hoseok gives each of them a mask and a pair of glove.

"But we can't look like we're disgusted by her. It might hurts her feeling." Jimin voice out his opinion.

"It might. But she hurts Taehyung's feeling many times. Hurting once won't break her." Hoseok said and he puts on the glove and mask. "And just to be sure. Put in on, kids." The two students obey. When they're done, Jungkook uses the key to unlock the door and when he is about to step in, Hoseok stops him.

He looks at the older man confusely. "I think it's better if I walk in first. Y'all can follow after me." Hoseok said as he steps in front and slowly walks inside, Jimin and Jungkook trailing behind him.

"Shit, this room reeks." He pinches his nose under the mask and frowns. At the fifth step, he accidentally kicks a bottle. "Alcohol? What the f-"


"Kim Sohee?!" Jungkook walks past Jimin who was in front of him but is stopped by Hoseok when he's beside the older man. "Sir, that must be Sohee!"

"That can't be Sohee." They follow Hoseok's gaze and gasp loudly.


In front of them, there stood Sohee. But she is unlike of what they knew her. She got skinnier and only a torn shirt is covering her. Her skin is flaky as it bleed. Her face is a complete disaster.

She comes closer whilst scratching her bleeding arm. "You came-"

"Stop right there." Hoseok warns. "We'll be outside at the door and you can talk behind it. We'll be listening."


"Shut up and move, Jungkook." They step outside and close the door. Hoseok takes the key from Jungkook and locks the door again. "That's kind of harsh, Sir." The latter ignores Jimin.

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