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a/n: if you haven't read chapter 12 and 12.5, go back now! it's double/quadruple update for y'all cus I've been gone for too long lmao.

"Taehyung-ah..." He wakes up at the familiar voice and looks around weakly. He saw a blurry figure and rubs his eyes, trying to see clearly. It was only for a few seconds until his sights gets blurry again but he knows who the visitor is.

"Is that you, hyung?" He gasps and he sit straight. "Is that really you?"

He feels a dip on his bed beside him and he reaches his hands out. The visitor hold both of his hands and he grins widely. "These hands.. It's really you, Kim Taeyong."

"Yes, it's me." Taeyong said with a shaky voice. "Taehyung-ah, I'm sorry."

"Why?" Taehyung smiles, glad to know that Taeyong at least felt guilty. "You don't have to be sorry. I already forgave you the minute I saw your face."

"Then you didn't forgave me from 16 years ago, I see." Taeyong laughs when his brother grins. "I'm sorry."

"Stop it. Keep on apologizing and I might get Hoseok to kick you out. Oh, what time is it?"

"4 in the evening."

"Then you must have met him. He was here about 10 minutes ago."

"Yeah, I saw him. He must be a great friend right?"

Taehyung grins widely. "He's the best of the best friend I've ever had. He came everyday and always brought oily food. The doctor said I can't have oily things but as I craved for it, he unwillingly bought it. You should hear him talking, hyung. There are like dozens of curse words he said that are new for me."

Taeyong smiles as he sees how happy Taehyung is while talking about his friend. The way his eyes lights up although he can't see, the wild gestures of his hands, he's still the same Taehyung from 16 years ago.

"I'm happy that you have such a good friend, Tae." Taehyung chuckles. As he plays with his finger, he carefully asks,

"You're not going to ask about your daughter?" Taeyong freezes. He didn't expect Taehyung would be the one opening the topic about his daughter while he was contemplating about it.

He awkwardly smiles. "Oh... Is she doing well?"

"I don't know but I hope so."

"You don't know?" Taehyung shakes his head while staring at whatever he's looking at.

"Oh.. Okay."


"Why didn't you tell him?" Taeyong asks Hoseok. They are outside of the hospital, trying to have some talks.

"If you are me, would you tell him?" When Taeyong doesn't say anything, he said, "Me too."

"But when will you?"

"Why are you acting so caringly? It annoys me." Hoseok sips on his can of coffee casually. At that, Taeyong scoffs. "This is my first time meeting someone as blunt as you."

"Yeah, I don't think we neutralize each other." Taeyong scoffs again.

"Taehyung is my brother. Sohee is my daughter. I can act care because they are related to me. Unlike someone."

"Seriously, don't act care. I let you meet Sohee and you were disgustedㅡ"

"Well, aren't you?"

"Well, I am. But I'm not her biological dad, for God's sake. Now that you met Taehyung and Sohee, will you stick with them or scram off? Just to let you know that I prefer the second option for you."

Taeyong stands as he looks at the guard who is sipping on his coffee. He is bewildered by the man's bluntness but he sighs and rubs his face. "Meeting them was my last wish and I really thankful because they didn't hate me. Although Sohee does."

"Of course." Hoseok said, obviously annoyed.

"Thank you, Hoseok-ssi. I really appreciate these. About Taehyungㅡ" He takes a deep breath as he tries to blink away his tears. "ㅡplease take care of him. Till, you know, the day come. I'll be going now. Thank you again."

He extends his hand for a handshake and Hoseok stands from his sit. The guard accept the handshake but as he was about to pull his hand back, Taeyong pulls him for a hug.

"Please, please make his last days worth it. Thank you."

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