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a/n: sorry for not updating when I supposed to! I promised you guys to post the ending 3 days ago but here I am....breaking my promise. Anyway, there will be the second part of this ending so scroll through! I'm sorry again.. 👉👈


"Please wear these for sanitary." A nurse hands them masks each but Taehyung declines by shaking his head. "It's okay, I'm his dad."

"Taehyung-ah." Hoseok firmly calls him. "Dad or not, her condition is kinda...bad. Wear it." At first Taehyung frowns but he obeys then.

The guard helps him wearing it and then put it on him too. When they are done, the nurse opens the sliding door with her card. Hoseok pushed Taehyung's wheelchair and with blurry eyes, he can see a figure on top of a bed with tons of wires connected to her body. The bipping sound of machines can be heard and he tighten his fists.

He lift his hands and put in on the rail of the bed when they got closer. "Sohee?" He quietly calls. Hoseok who was behind him walks backward to give some space for the family.

"Kim Sohee..?"

"A-Ap..pa?" A soar voice answered him. His grip on the rain tighten as he blinks his blurry eyes numerously just to get a better view of his daughter. He then search for his daughter by flailing his hands in the air and finally got to hold it.

"Wait, you can't hold-" Hoseok stops himself when he is too late. It was better for Taehyung like this, he thought.

Taehyung bites his lower lip, trying to stop himself from letting out cries. "S-Sohee." When he heard a small hum from Sohee, his first teardrop falls. "I'm here, sweetheart."

"Appa.." Sohee coughs loudly as she forcefully let her voice out. Unlike his father's blurry sight, she can see the latter better. Her eyes widen a little as he saw the man is sitting on a wheelchair, wearing the patient's clothes. "....Are you sick..?" She carefully asks while blinking her tired eyes. The latter awkwardly laughs.

"I'm fine." He smiles, though his vision fades away from blurry whites to pitch black. "Y-you're still so pretty, my daughter."

Hoseok who is standing at the back frowns. There's nothing pretty about Sohee right then. Even her right hand which is held by Taehyung is flaky and her skin seems burned. Don't want to disturb them, he only keeps quiet.

Sohee chuckles weakly at that. But then, she gets silent. "I'm sorry, appa." She quietly apologise. The man beside him widen his eyes. "Why are you sorry? You've done nothing wrong!" He quickly says. At that, Sohee starts to cry silently. "No no no.. Are you crying? Please don't cry." Taehyung himself doesn't know he is also crying.

"I'm a bad daughter.. I treated you so bad, I didn't realise how much you did to me and all I know was to whine and complaint." She sniffs and her voice gets huskier. "I'm really sorry and you deserve a better daughter."


"Yet you have to take care of me when I'm not even your daughter." Sohee started to breathe heavily. It wasn't noticeable at first but when she keeps on panting and sighing at every sentences, Taehyung started to notice that something's going on.


"You ate every leftovers and never complaint. You bought me clothes when you know you're saving. You rarely said no even what I did was irritating. I-Im sorry I just realise-" She didn't get to finish her words when she coughs. "I-"

"I get it, sweetheart, I get it. I never take it to heart, I didn't have to forgive you because you never did anything wrong. It was me! I raised you poorly, it was my fault so don't apologize. Now don't talk. I'll call a doctor." He turns around and just look everywhere he thought Hoseok is standing at. "Hyung!"

Sohee grips his dad's wrist tightly as if it is her lifeline. Taehyung turns towards her daughter again while frowning. "Sohee, you won't-"

"Thank y-you.." She breathlessly said and smiles.

"No! No no stop you're not leaving-"

"I love you, appa."

"You...are the best."


"K-Kim Sohee!"

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