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"Sohee~" Taehyung takes of his shoe while both of his hands are behind him, hiding something. His call wasn't answered but he knew that Sohee is under their blanket. He smiles knowingly.

Putting the new phone aside, he jumps on top of Sohee and tickles her side. The latter is squirming under him but he laughs, assuming she is having fun. But suddenly, he topples aside when her daughter pushed him.

"What the hell?!" Sohee yells.

Taehyung grins as he reached for the phone he bought and shows it to her. "Look at what I-" He stops.

He stops when he saw what's on Sohee's hand. He looks at her who is frowning but typing on her phone furiously. "Girl, what's that?"

"Tell me your credit card's password first."

"I asked you first."

"You blind, dude? Smartphone. Should I spell? S-M-A-R- wait. Smart, yeah -T-Pㅡ"

To say that Taehyung isn't hurt is impossible. He doesn't expect that kind of reaction, tone and the way Sohee speaks to him these days. It's sarcastic, shrieking and is not polite. Her dialect is all gone too.

"Where did you get that? What about this thing I'm holding?" He shows the smartphone but Sohee laughs. "You call that smartphone? That's a stupidphone for stupid people like my dad, idiot."


"Look, look!" She shows what's on her screen phone to her dad. "I posted a tweet about someone saying samsung galaxy Y is a smartphone and all my friends retweeted this. Hilarious!"

Taehyung doesn't like where this is going. He doesn't like how Sohee's behaving too. Finally, he stands up and search for their bag. When founded, he put all clothes inside and Sohee just look at him. "What are you doing?"

"We're moving back to hometown."

"No! Why the hell?!"

"I'm going to search for my brother! Your real dad, you get me?!"

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