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He wanted to spend his last days with his dearest daughter, Sohee. That way, he can die in peace. He doesn't even want to separate with her no longer than 2 seconds. And that is why, he works as a cleaner in her school. Nope, he's still doing the labor work, the different is that it's going to be at night.

Thinking twice, he wouldn't get to meet her at home. He sighs heavily and Hoseok look at him. "What's up, bro?"

Taehyung looks at the older one and sheepishly smiles. "Nothing." After Hoseok ordered him to clean more and go back to his guard house, Taehyung continue to clean.

When he was mopping near the locker section, he heard a loud thump behind him and automatically look at the direction-

ㅡto see a couple sucking each others' lips.

And he knew who that girl is.


"Where are you going, appa?" Sohee asks after fixing her glasses on her nose bridge. Taehyung look at it suspiciously, not really sure where her daughter got it.

Out of curiosity, he points at the glasses and ask, "Where do you get that?"

Without hesitation, Sohee answers, "None of your business. Hey, I asked you first." Taehyung's fist started to curl when he heard his daughter calling him hey.

"Kim Sohee, your business is my business and when I ask you something, you should answer honestly. Should we move back to Daegu? I think you're becoming like this because of Seoul."

Taehyung's mind is a mess. He hopes she would agree and proves him that she was being harassed the afternoon before. Part of him doubt that she would agree. Because when Sohee threw her pen at her dad, which he barely dodge, he is shocked and dissapointed.

"How I'm acting has nothing to do with Seoul! If there's something wrong, it's you! You pry into my life and you never buy me anything I want!"

No, he never pry. No, he did bought something she wanted but rarely. But it's because he's penniless every time. Why can't Sohee understands? He thought.

"But I-"

"I want smartphone and you never give one! All of my classmates- no. All of the students in my school have one. Me? I've got nothing! Living in this rat place, I'm sick of it! This, that, everything, including you!"

If you heard a glass breaking, that's probably the sound of Taehyung's heart. He was speechless at how his daughter can let those words flew out of her mouth that easily. "Yah, So-"

"SHUT UP!" Sohee stands up and stomps her way to the door and go out, after shoving her dad and the man falls down hopelessly.

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