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"You sure you're okay?"

"For the thousandth times, I am. Now will you please stop following me? I need to work." Taehyung shakes his head at the older one. These days, Hoseok keeps on following him. Weird enough, he just think that the latter is attached to him.

Hoseok can hardly speak. It is obvious on how much he cares but maybe because he was a dick and Taehyung knows it, him being caring is far from the real him.

"I'm just.... Nothing. Take care." He leaves.

Taehyung again shakes his head in disbelief and chuckles. "That hyung is being weird."


"Sir!" Two popular boys of the school scream from far away, calling for the older male's attention. Taehyung looks around and when he saw them, he lowers his cap more. Oblivious, Jungkook and Jimin run towards him while other students are only watching.

"Oh my god, why the fuuu-?"

"Is that their long-lost biological father?!"

"Ew why do we have cleaner dragging its nature here? You know, garbage?"

Taehyung runs away upon hearing that.


"Sir, can we talk?" Jimin fiddles with his fingers. After school, both him and Jungkook went straightly to Taehyung's house to apologize. "We're sorry, we didn't think."

The older man sighs. "It's okay. As long as Sohee didn't recognize me."

"About that- umpph!!" Jimin quickly covers the younger's mouth. Jungkook slaps the latter's hands away and scowls. "What was that?!"

"Are you crazy? Why are you so tactless?" Jimin screams in whipering tone at his friend. They were silently having a fight which Taehyung just watch and he sighs again. The two stopped and focus at the older man.

"It's fine. At least she noticed this disgusting cleaner exists at her school." The teenagers look at each other sadly.

To say that they didn't care about Taehyung is an understatement. They only knew each other for a week but seeing Sohee acting so bitchy towards his own dad, they can't help but to pity the man.

"Oh, don't give me that look! I don't want y'all to pity me." Taehyung says playfully.

Jungkook frowns. "We're human, Sir. We can't help but to have feelings. Don't forget to call us if you're having troubles." Taehyung smiles.

"You grown up fast." He chuckles. "Poor me, can't see you properly. You must be handsome. Yeah, you too Park Jimin."

They look at him confusedly. "You can't see?" Taehyung shakes his head sadly and reply shortly with sometimes.

He gets up and walks to the sink. "I brought some strawberry milk for Sohee but she never comes home. So, I'll just give these to you two. Consider this as a thank you gift because there will be no more." He laughs. Turning to walk back to his seat, involuntarily, the two packs of milk on his hands fall and burst. "Shit."

The students take out their napkins and wipe it together quickly. "You okay, Sir?!"

Taehyung laughs quickly. "It's not the first time. Darn it, what a waste. I would lick the floor if I were you both." The two stop their action. It was silent until Taehyung laughs it off. "I was kidding!"

He wasn't.

And he suddenly sits with a loud thump.


"Oh, it happens again!" He laughs loudly. But as his eyes are getting watery and blurry, he speaks quickly. "I think I'm gonna need your help now."

Pitch black.

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