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"You can't walk, Tae."

"Then bring me there! Carry me or I'll crawl!" Taehyung fell from the bad with a loud thud. He was crying from the physical and mental pain. "Please help me.."

Hoseok nodded at the two students who were aching to help Taehyung and at the signal, Jungkook took the wheelchair at the corner of the room while Jimin helped Taehyung to sit on it.

"Let's go."

"Wait, Taehyung."

"What is it? You think I'm going to forgive you by hiding this from me? For two weeks, even! Thank you so much for making my last days worse, Jung Hoseok."

"You don't understand."

"It's you who don't! You don't have a child, you're not ill and you just wanted to lie to this poor man. You think I didn't know it was really my brother who was on the news?"

"That wasㅡ"

"I heard from nurses so you don't have to brainstorm for a lie. And these partners on crime of yours can scram off too. I'll be going by myself."

Jimin was about to talk when Taehyung just push himself forward with his weak hands. When he was out, the students looked at Hoseok.

"Let him be."


"Kim Sohee."

"Excuse me?"

"Patient named Kim Sohee, where is she?!"

"What's your relationship with her? We can't give personal informations to just anyone soㅡ"

"I'm his father, you dumb nurse! Now are you going to let me meet her or not?!"

"If you're behaving this way, we're not going toㅡ"

"Why theㅡ"

"Hey, nurse." Taehyung was suddenly cut off by someone. He looked at his left and froze. "Let him meet his daughter, please? The patient's name is Kim Sohee." At the softness, the nurse led their way.

"Thank you, Hoseok." Hoseok smiled softly and pushed the wheelchair forward.

a/n: next chapter will be the last one omg I'll post it tomorrow!

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