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"35 years old, Kim Taeyong committed suicide this morning by jumping of the building of Seoyukdae Hospital. The reason was unknown asㅡ"

Hoseok turns off the television when he realizes that Taehyung has stopped eating. "Turn it on, hyung."

"Finish your food."

"Why did you turned it off?"

"So that you can continue eating."

"It was him, right? My brother."

"No, it's not." Lying to a person who has only a week to live is cruel. But what can he do?

"But his name and ageㅡ"

"Coincidence, Kim Taehyung."

"Then him committing suicide on this hospital is a coincidence too?"


"I'm not a stupid as you think, hyungㅡ"

"You're not but who has a better sight here? Me, right? I saw the news and the man wasn't your brother so eat your food. I'll be right back for some water." Hoseok walks out and slams the door.

"Shameless jerkass. Killing himself after shamelessly asked for forgiveness." He hisses and walks away.


As Hoseok drives to their destination with his old car, Jungkook sits beside him on the passenger seat and Jimin sits at the back. Fading sounds on the radio plays in the car as they're hadin to Gangnam Love Motel.

"Sir." Hoseok hums when Jimin calls him. "Aren't we going to tell Taehyung's dad?"

"Do you want me to kick you our of my car and left you here?" Jimin quickly shuts his mouth. Hoseok sighs as he turns to the corner. "That's the fifth time you asked, Jimin. I told you I won't tell until the time comes."

"But when will it come? Her dad barely has a week to live but Sohee? We do saw how her condition is getting worse. Aren't we calling the ambulance? Keeping her there won't do any good." Jungkook counters. "It won't be long for her too..."

Jimin who sympathize the boy just lowers his head. Jungkook does like Sohee but liking the said girl will only breaks him.

Hoseok sighs again. "Call the ambulance."


Sohee's condition is worse than what they thought.

"It's my fault. Damn, it is." Hoseok bangs his head on the wall. "Taehyung will be so mad at me." Jungkook who is crying, tries to stop the man from going further.

After knowing that Sohee got lesser days than Taehyung, he can't forgive himself.

They were blaming each other when Jimin suddenly run towards the other side of the coridor and turns to Taehyung's room. Hoseok is about to stop the latter but he missed him.

The bad news reached Taehyung.

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