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"God, please give me more strength.." Taehyung clutch his side as he breathe heavily. "Please.."

It's been 2 months since he asked Hoseok to help him on finding his brother. Unfortunately, there's no good news for him. As for Sohee?

She's getting worst.

She's rarely home. There was one time when she didn't come home for 1 week and when Taehyung asked where she went, she started to yell and threw some harsh remarks towards the poor man. The latter knew where she went but he just wanted to know whether her daughter is still familiar to him somewhere.

However, she chose to lie. And he is forced to believe.

"Man, you okay? You look pale." Taehyung turns to his left just to see his buddy, Hoseok, with a worried face. "Don't you think you have to go to the hospital? You're sweating!"

Taehyung laughs weakly. "It's hot today."

"Did I just met you yesterday? I've known you for 2 months and we're like brothers now. I know when there's a problem with you. Wait up, I'm going to call for a student to help since I'm a bit busyㅡ"

"It's okayㅡ"

"There's nothing okay, dumbass! Hey studentsㅡ yeah both of you. Send him to the school clinic please, he's kinda unwellㅡ"

"I'm really fineㅡ"

"Noㅡ Shit wake up, Kim Taehyung!"


The sun rays pierced through the windows as it hit straight at Taehyung's closed lids. He squinted and finally regained his consciousness.

"Tell the teacher we'll be late."

As he heard voices, his eyes start widening as he recognizes the white ceiling above him. He gasped and abruptly gets up to sit. "No no I got no money.."

"Hey the man woke up!"

"Ah! Please do so, okay Sohee? I'm hanging up."

"Sohee?" Taehyung mutters as he looks at the two boys in front of him, probably wondering who the hell are these two fine man and were they talking about the same Sohee?


"No please don't call the nurse, I got no money!"

The taller boy puts his hand down and looks at Taehyung. "It's the school's clinic, Sir. There's no need to pay."

Pay or not paying, I don't care. I just don't like hospital. Taehyung thought silently. He frowns at the two boys who awkwardly smiles while standing with both hands politely clasp in front of them.

The man looks at their nametags with eyes squinted as he can't see properly.

"Jeon Jungkook."

The taller boy puts up his right hand. "That's me."

"And Park Jimin."

"That's myㅡ"

"Yeah I know, the shorter one." He doesn't missed the sour look from Jimin and laughs internally. Teenagers are sure interesting.

"So, how do both of you knew Sohee?" He straightforwardly asks because there's no point on sugarcoating anymore. Despite looking like they're afraid to harm an ant, they might be the boys who corrupted his dear daughter.

The pairs look at each other before answering the older man. "Did you mean Kim Sohee? She's our friend since day-2." Jimin answered.

"So you both chose to corrupt her just because she's pretty, cute and looks easy?" Jimin and Jungkook are confused when the man started to spat nonsenses. "Because of you guys, she's never the old her anymore!" Tears started to flood at Taehyung's lower eyelids.

"Wait, Sir! We swear we did not do that and we wouldn't dare to! We're classmates and we do hangout sometimes but not till the point she got corrupted. We're good kids!"

"Oh yeah? Good people never admit they're kind."

"Sir, you know that's not my point!" Jungkook sighs. "Actually, we noticed how she's no longer close with us."

"Yeah." The shorter one continues. "If it's worrying us, you must be worried to death."

Taehyung smiles weakly as he stares ahead at the space. "I do feel like dying."

"Oh no. Should we call Sohee for you?" Again, Taehyung smiles, brighter this time at the taller one's suggestion. He hasn't see his daughter for more than a week, surpassing the last record.

But then he remembered how his daughter doesn't know he's working at the school yet. "No! No thanks. I'll just... umm.. get going."


"It's fine. As long as you don't tell anything to her about seeing me here today or anywhere in the school." The pairs look down at their feet, feeling sorry although they don't know who the hell that man is.

Before the older man gets to the door, Jimin stopped him. "Sir." He then walks closer to Taehyung. "Sohee seems important to you. If it's not rude, may I ask who are you and where can we find you again?"

Taehyung laughs loudly. "Silly." He pats the little on on his shoulder twice and smiles. "Meet me next time and I'll tell you."

And so they met again.

a/n: sorry i took so long *.*

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