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"Jung Hoseok."

"I told you to call me hyung. I'm much older than you!"

Taehyung smiled. After witnessing what had happened, he was seriously disturbed. Having Hoseok as a company was a good thinking.

"Can you help me?"

"Call me hyung first."

Finally, Taehyung laughed loudly. "You are incredible."

"I know." Hoseok crossed his arms and lean on the chair.

"Help me, hyung."

"What is it, Taehyungie?" Again, Taehyung laughed. "Why are you laughing so much, man? I didn't say anything funny."

"You look funny, hyung."

"This jerk-"

"Look at this." Before Hoseok let out more curses, Taehyung showed him a picture from his phone. "If you know him, or met him, or saw him once, or accidently bumps onto him-"

"Yeah, yeah. Go on or I stuff your mouth with this walkie-talkie."

"Sorry. In short, if you ever saw this face, please ask him for his number."

"Okay I didn't know you're in the LGBT+ Community-"

"I don't know what's that but I am definitely not in that community. I need this person's number and it's urgent!"

"Who is him though? He's handsome like you."

"No, you are more handsome than us." Hoseok made a face but laughed at that. He really love this honest Taehyung guy. As a friend.

"He is my biological brother, Kim Taeyong. Please help me to find him."

a/n: why is this chapter looks like it's been written by a 5 year old? sorry :'(

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