that young single dad

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At 5 in the morning, he woke up and quietly tip-toed, careful on not making too much noises and leaves the studio-like house to go to the convenient store. His messy hair and dull t-shirt that he wear makes him appear homeless. With Sohee's stoking on his feet and rubber slipper, he went in while yawning.

He grabbed a plain bread and pay it on the counter, with coins. The cashier waited patiently as it's not the first time Taehyung went there and it's not the first time he pay using coins.

"Here. Keep the change." Taehyung laughs sleepily and winked at the poor cashier then went out.


"Touch." Sohee high-fived her dad and give the towel to him. He received it and went inside the bathroom.

First, he brushed his teeth with his own toothbrush which been used almost 9 months. Then, he dipped his hands in the water and wet his hair. Reaching for the shampoo, he squeezed a small amount of the liquid and washed his hair, at the same time massaging his scalp.

It's a female's shampoo. Her daughter's.

Taehyung then took a small bucket of water and splashed it over his head carefully. The shampoo-ed water ran down to his whole body and he washed his face with it, closed eyes. "Ahh sting sting." Then, he rubbed his whole body using the same water that was still running down.

After the second small bucket, he's all finished.


"Appa!" Sohee ran towards him when the school finished. It's his routine to pick her up after school even if she reached 15. Reaching out his hands, she grabbed it when she arrived. "Hey, how's school?"

"Nah. I failed again."

Unlike your typical angsty fatherxdaughter story when they're poor as hell but the daughter is smart as heaven, Kim Taehyung and Kim Sohee family story is different. They're poor and Sohee is so bad in education.

He nods but frowned. "Tell me if you don't understand anything, okay?" But she scoffed at him. "Yeah, of course you can teach me when you only graduated middle school."

Taehyung whips her daughter's head from behind. "Ouch!"

"My point is so that I can ask the teacher for 1:1 lesson, you know?"


"The broth is all yours." Sohee clapped like a seal and gulped down all the broth from the pot. "Ah.. That was refreshing. Appa, how about cheese flavoured next time?"

"I'll think about it." His daughter smiles and rubbed her belly. Taehyung fiddles with his finger anxiously.

"Spill the bean, Mr. Kim." He was shocked at her neat observation. "Manse for Sagittarians. You're good mate." He high-fived his daughter. "Oh yeah~ But really, appa, what's wrong?" Taehyung bit his lower lip.

For 1 week straight, he has been coming back and forth from Seoul to their home here in Daegu. It took more than 3 hours by bus and for him, he's wasting a lot of money just for transportation. The thing is, there's a new project in Seoul for new building and he has to move there for labor work. The company will provide shelter for their workers at a somehow like a dorm.

He doesn't know how to talk about transfering school to Sohee somehow.

"Earth to Kim Taehyung!"

"Oi!" Sohee laughs at his dad spluttering unidentified words from his mouth out of shock (in Malay, we called it melatah). "Don't do that!" Sohee giggles and held both of her hands up as surrender and let her dad talk.

"Umm.." He wet his dry lips and look up at her daughter. "We might have to move to Seoul. The company is having a new project there. They told me umm today." He lied about the last part, not wanting Sohee to get worried or guilty.

With blank face, Sohee stared at him. "They'll provide shelter too!" At that, Sohee finally show an expression but displeased. "Seoul?" Taehyung nods fast. "Take your time thinking because-"

"Okay." Taehyung's eyes widen. He got up from the floor and crawled towards his daughter to hug her. "Thank you, honey!"

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