Chapter 20: Mother Knows Best

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"If you don't follow your heart, you might spend the rest of your life wishing you had." ~Brigitte Nicole


Confused. One word that describes how I'm feeling right now. I couldn't take in that confession. I'm still having second thoughts. This confusion made me tear up so much that I couldn't move. I'm just here sitting on the floor, my back leaning against the front door and I'm hugging my legs while sobbing.

"Lianna?" My mom called. I looked at her. She's walking towards me.

"Honey, why are you crying? And why are you soaking wet?" she asked, concern evident in her tone. "Go shower and change your clothes, hun," she said while helping me stand up and walk to my room.

I took a long warm bath and chose the comfiest clothes I have. My mind was empty while I was doing that. I went downstairs after getting changed. The first thing I saw was my mom, sitting on the couch, choosing a movie. I walked over to where she was and sat down.

"What would you like to watch?" she asked.

"I'm okay with anything," I answered.

"Wanna re-watch 'A Walk to Remember'?" she asked, and I nodded as a response. "Here." She handed me a mug.

"Hot chocolate?" I asked.

"With extra marshmallows topped with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles," she added.

"My favorite. Thanks, mom," I said before giving her a weak smile.

I took a sip and closed my eyes to enjoy the chocolate better.

"Before we watch the movie, tell me everything that happened," Mom said, making me look at her.

I sighed before placing my mug on the center table. "Can I ask you something first?"

"What is it?" she asked before taking a sip from her mug.

"Have you been in a situation where you had to choose between two people?" I said.

She was taken aback by my question. It took her a few minutes before answering, "Believe it or not, yes."

My eyes widened. "What happened?"

"Well, before your dad and I got married, your dad asked his high school best friend to be his best man," she started.

"I planned our wedding on my own because your dad was busy earning money for our honeymoon and to pay for the wedding. I told him to loan from his parents or mine, but he said, he wanted our wedding to be paid by his own money. He asked me if I needed a wedding planner, but I declined because it'll just add up to his expenses," she narrated.

"Did you really plan your whole wedding without anyone's help?" I asked.

"Nope." She shook her head. "This is where your dad's best friend comes in. Knowing that I'm planning our wedding on my own, he volunteered to help me. He said that it was the only way to make up for those times his best friend needed him."

She smiled. "I agreed, of course. It's hard to turn down his offer."

"We've gotten really close with each other and I started to fall for him." She sighed.

I was shocked. "Mom, don't tell me you cheated on dad?!"

"I didn't!" she defended. "I could never do that! Nothing happened between me and your dad's best friend."

"Does dad know?" I asked.

"Of course, he knows, but I only told him after you were born," she answered. "Can I continue the story?" she asked, and I nodded.

"On the night before my wedding, your dad's best friend gave me a choice. If I choose your dad, I'll continue walking down the aisle to meet your father on the altar, but if I choose him, I'll grab his hand and we will run away together," she narrated. "I had a difficult time choosing' of course. It's between my first love and his best friend whom I have fallen for as well."

"Who did you choose?" I asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I chose your dad," she answered before smiling.


"When given a situation where you have to choose between two important people in your life, you have to determine which of them is the one who truly captivated your heart. The moment I saw your dad on the altar, all my feelings for his best friend faded and my heart started beating for your dad again because the truth is, he already had my heart in his hands. That moment made me realize that my feelings for your dad's best friend are just a mere infatuation. It's not love yet but if given the right time and situation, it will develop into something more," she explained. "Now, tell me, why did you ask about my story?"

I shrugged. "Because maybe, I'm in the same situation."

"Jaden and Gabriel?" she asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "How did you know?"

"It's pretty obvious that Gabriel is in love with you," she answered.

"Am I the only one who hasn't noticed?" I asked.

"Maybe you just hadn't realized it yet because you think you hate him."

"Well, I guess I don't actually hate him because if I do then why can't I say I hate you when he confessed to me a while ago?" I said.

Mom gasped. "He confessed?"

"Yes." I nodded.

"OMG! That's amazing!" she said, getting excited.

"Mom, I have a boyfriend," I reminded.

"Ah, that is a problem," she said.

I sighed. "What will I do?"

"I saw this quote online. It's from Brigitte Nicole and I fell in love with the quote. The quote is, "If you don't follow your heart, you might spend the rest of your life wishing you had." I think that can be applied with the situation now," she answered.

"What are you trying to tell me, Mom?"

"All I'm trying to say is follow your heart. You are the author of your own life, Lianna. You should learn to make the right decisions." She smiled.

"How do I do that?" I shrugged.

"Listen and see for whom does your heart beat the fastest. Who captivated it and how that particular person makes you feel," she explained.

"What if it beats for both?" I asked.

"That's impossible, Lianna." She chuckled. "Your heart can only beat for one and the other is just a feeling in your head."

"I'm so confused, mom. I just don't want to hurt one of them."

My friends always tell me that it'll be easy for people to break me because I am so afraid of breaking other people. I don't know why. I just felt what it's like to get so broken that I don't want other people to experience what I've been through.

"Lianna, when you love a person, you have to face its downside like getting hurt. If they really love you, they have to accept it. It's only natural for a person to get hurt," Mom said while holding my hand. She is looking at me as if she's telling me that there is some point in our life where we get hurt and have to hurt others too because that's what makes us human.

"Mom, you'll support me all the way, right?" I asked.

"Of course, dear. I'll always be here to give my full support," she said before caressing my hair.

While contemplating on everything, I think I already have an answer to who captivated my heart. It's weird and unexpected. I had everything planned out even who I should date is all part of the plan. I removed him from it years ago but it looks like I'll have to bring him back, ruin my perfect sketch and start all over again.

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