Chapter 16: Literature Month

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"Literature is the most agreeable way of ignoring life." ~Fernando Pessoa


"Since today is the deadline for your projects, I would want you to give a short summary of what you have made," Our literature teacher, Ms. Carter announced. Gabriel and I worked on this project for the past few months. It turned out fine despite our arguments and misunderstandings.

"Ms. Tyler and Mr. Winters?" Ms. Carter called while looking at me and Gabriel. We quickly stood up and walked to the front to present our work.

"Our chosen Shakespeare classic is Romeo and Juliet," I said, introducing our script.

"The story starts with two families, the Capulets, and the Montagues," Gabriel started.

"Both families run well-known companies and they have this rivalry going on for years," I narrated.

"The Capulets has a beautiful daughter named Juliet and the Montagues have a brave and handsome son named Romeo," Gabriel continued.

"Romeo and Juliet met one night at a party. They instantly became friends until it led to something more."

"When their family found out that they were seeing each other in secret, they did everything to split them apart."

"Juliet was forced to marry a man she doesn't love which is the reason why she killed herself."

"After learning about Juliet's death, Romeo was in great despair which lead him to kill his own self," Gabriel finished.

"Once I heard your chosen classic, I thought that you might have changed its ending, but it still ended tragically. Why so?" Ms. Carter asked.

"At first, we tried to make it a happy ending, but we realized that it ended tragically for a reason. In life, we don't usually get a happy ending. We wanted to make the viewers realize that life isn't always a fairytale," I answered.

I sensed Gabriel staring at me, so I looked at him and my eyes met his emerald ones. "Every day is a different story with a different ending. It could end happily and could also end sadly."

"Very well said, Ms. Tyler. I'm very impressed. You may now take your seats," Ms. Carter said.

Gabriel and I returned to our seats and paid attention to the remaining presenters. I felt awkward being around him after our little staring contest a while ago.

"I must say, I'm really impressed with all of your works. I would be choosing the best one and it will be the opening play for Literature Month which is a few months away," Ms. Carter announced after everyone finished presenting.

She was about to remind something when the bell rang indicating that we must get to our next class.

I started fixing my things before walking out of the room, not looking back at Gabriel or to anyone.


"Who's excited to hear the script that I chose for the play?" Ms. Carter asked while scanning through some papers. A week has passed since we presented our works.

To be honest, I don't expect our project to be chosen. It looks rushed and it has the usual story plot. I also feel like the plot is so predictable.

"So, the script I chose is Romeo and Juliet by Ms. Tyler and Mr. Winters. Congratulations!"

My eyes widened. I was just saying that I think it doesn't have a high possibility of getting chosen. I guess I should've expected the unexpected.

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