Chapter 34: Space

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"He's not answering!" I said while dialing my phone repeatedly after every call.

"Who are you calling?" Raine asked. She's probably getting bugged because I've been trying to contact Gabriel on the full length of our walk.

"Gabriel," I said and dialed again.

"Maybe Gabriel's busy, Anna. You should stop," she said, bringing my phone down from my face.

"I'm worried that he may be in a bad mood again," I bit my nail.

"He's not, alright?"

"How are you so sure?" I crossed my arms.

"I just feel it," she said and walked away. I just shook my head and texted Gabriel instead.


"You're awfully busy," Raine said, barging into the room where my next class will be held.

"This report is really important. I have to do my best so that Christian and I can pass," I said, focusing my attention on my laptop.

"Should Christian be helping you?"

"No. I asked him to just study the report and I'll make the presentation."

"Wouldn't that be difficult? I mean he doesn't know the contents of your presentation," she asked and I faced her.

"Have you talked to Gabriel?" I asked and she was about to say something but I cut her off saying, "Raine, Gabriel's..." I shook my head. "He's been off lately. Well, I mean since I met Christian."

"Your boyfriend's still jelly?"

"Mmhmm..." I diverted my gaze back on the laptop.

"But this is important. You're not just hanging out with Christian, but you're doing this because you have to work with Christian," she said, emphasizing the words hanging out and work. "It's for your own good too."

I sighed. "I cannot be alone with Christian because even though Gabriel's not around, he and mark my words, he would still know what the hell's going on."

She just shook her head. "I have to go. I'll see you later. Good luck," she said and I just nodded before I heard the door close.


"So what's the answer, Ms. Tyler?" The professor asked me. I am now fidgeting with my thumbs because I don't know the answer to his question.

"I'll answer your question, Sir, " Christian said.

"I want Ms. Tyler to answer my question, Mr. Wright. What's the answer, Ms.Tyler?"

"I-i'm sorry, sir but I don't know, " I said and he gently massaged his head.

"This report is almost half of your final grade! I told you to research and discuss this thoroughly with your partners! I shouldn't even have to ask this question if you included this information in your presentation and how come Mr. Wright knows the answer while you don't?! I want both of you to repeat your presentation next week. Class dismissed, " he said before walking out of the room.

I shut my laptop off and disconnected it from the projector.

"You okay?" Christian asked and I just nodded.

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