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~Daniels POV~

I walk out of my room, stomach churning. I know I'm only 16 but I know I'm gay.... my dad is very homophobic and my mom couldn't care either way. I know my dad will throw a hissy fit but hopefully he will come to his senses.

I make my way down out huge stair case with my iPhone in my hand texting hope...

D: Idk if I can do this :(
H: Yes you can! You said you were going to for 6 months, I believe in you!
D: ok I'll text you later...
H: kay byeee good luck loves!

I stop at the kitchen seeing my dad sitting at the island reading a book and my mom cooking. I was going to wait at dinner. I hope he doesn't go crazy again....

~An hour later~

We are about to eat some chicken parmesan, until I said, "hey mom, dad?" They looked up nodding to show they were listening. I sighed out, "I don't know how to say this is any other way but..... I'm gay...?"

My mom smiles but my dad slams his fork down and throws his plate across the room, smashing the crystal chandelier and tv. My mother screams and I cry.

He stands up and grabs me by the arm and slaps me on the face. I groan in pain, he is going crazy again.....

~a week later~

"Danieeelllllll" I hear my mom say from down stairs. I run down to see what she wants. She sighs and says, "I want a divorce with your father, I want you to be with me so he doesn't hurt me, I can't see him abuse you anymore, or call you names about your sexuality, he should love you no matter what, so I have to leave him."

I nod in agreement and walk into the kitchen and my dad looks at me disgusted and says, "get away you fag..." my mother shouts," HE MAY BE GAY BUT HE IS OUR SON! SO WHAT IF HE LIKES MEN! And this is why I'm leaving you...."

He stands up and takes the gun out of the drawer and points it at me. My mom jumps in front of me and he shoots. She falls to the ground, she is dead, blood pouring out of her skull.

I run at my dad and tackle him. I may be small but I have a temper. He fight for the gun then I hear a, "BOOM!" Then I look down to see if I was shot. I see blood pouring out of my dads neck. I scream and run to my phone.

"911 what's your emergency?"
"Um hi yes, my dad shot my mom in the head, then I tackled him and we fought over the gun, it ended up shooting him in the neck..."
"We will send some cops up there stay on the phone please."

10 minutes later cops are knocking on my door so I hang up. I open the door and I was crying so hard, "they are gone they are really gone" I say and cry into a female cops shoulder.

Do you have any evidence on what happened?
A male cops asks. I say, "well we have cameras around the house I can show you the tapes." I shrugged. The cop nodded and I took him to the Security room and we watches the tapes.

Why did all of this happen? Cop asked

I'm gay. I said through cries.

~few days later~

My aunt has been living at my house for the last few days but I have to move in with her. Which means I have to move schools.

The delivery truck comes and I pick up my harp and think to myself, "I've never named this, I'm going to name this Maria, after my mom." I smile and wipe my tear away.

My aunt says, "you still play that thing? You have been attached to that thing for 10 years!"

Yeah, I can't let go of it. I show a half hearted smile. I put it in the case and walk down the stairs. I carefully put it in the truck and get in the back seat.

I make out of the car and get my harp. I see out of the corner of my eye a kid my age playing a tune on the harp. I smile and keep walking. We are neighbors. I can talk to him anytime I want, right?

I really want to know his name tho.... I hear, "JOEY DINNER IS READY!" Well now I know his name. I chuckle and let make my way into the house....

He is cute :)


Welcome to no strings attached. This is how Daniel moves near Joey, I know it's a pretty long prologue but hayyyy what can I say. I won't be updating this one as often as I updated Beauty and the Beast.

Sorry? Anyway I may be updating 1-3 times a week mabie?

I will figure out my updating schedule by the next time I update.

Till next time...


No Strings Attached; Janiel FanFiction [COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now