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May, 31 2017- 2 days before graduation

Joeys POV

The baby is due on June 21... the day I can tell everyone how I am feeling. I haven't changed at all... me and Daniel have been fighting just as much as we did. Me and Liza have been getting closer. David broke up with her a while ago because of me. I guess she didn't deserve him. I'm not planning on going to collage because my YouTube channel has been getting a lot more popular these days so I'm planning on making it a full time job when I get older.

I get knocked out of my thoughts as Daniel knocks on our bedroom door. I sigh to myself and get out of bed. I slowly walk to the door and Daniel is standing there looking at me worried.

D: baby we need to talk...

J: about what?

I say in an annoyed voice.

D: that... you have been so mean to me lately and I need to know what's up...

Daniel drops to his knees and puts his face in his hands. I sigh to myself and try to think of something. He can't know what's really wrong with me until the baby is born. I close my eyes and sink to my knees to meet with his eyes. I tilt his head up and look him straight in the eyes.

J: baby calm down. I've just been stressed over the baby and YouTube. An 18 year old can't handle all of this stress...

D: you have been 18 since October and have been doing YouTube for almost a year. You always say how much you love it. I know it's me, I know you don't love me, I know I'm just dragging you down, I KNOW YOU HATE ME JOEY!

My heart sank. I feel like someone just ripped my heart out of my chest and stomped on it. I shake my head at him and a tear rolls down my face. I hold Daniels hand and make him stand up.

J: baby that isn't true. You know I will always love you. We aren't the stablest couple but we are getting there. Our love is so strong you see, we have been slowly putting each other together ok? Don't even think for a second I don't love you... even if there is a small chance we break up I will always love you.

D: I love you too Joey. Please stop being so mean to me... that's all I'm asking.

J: sweetie you know I've had an attitude to everyone. I'm an unstable teenager what do you expect?

D: for you to be nice to your boyfriend

He lets go of my hands and turns around. I grab his shoulder but he shakes me off. I put my hands at my side and watch as he walks down stairs. I walk halfway down the stairs and see him get his shoes and car keys.

J: babe where are you going?

D: anywhere but here...

I put my head in my hands and start to cry. I hear Daniel open and shut the door. I scream and start to pull my hair. I cry even harder and just sit on the stairs. I check my phone and see that it is 3:30. I set it on the steps and just wait.

I watch the door and wait for Daniel to come home. I check my phone again and see that it is 6:57... I pull my knees up to my chest and start crying again. I punch the stairs in a pit of rage for waiting for someone that doesn't even love me. I scream a high pitched squeal and throw my shoes at the door. After the second shoe hits I see Daniel walk into the house. He looks at me with his mouth open. I sigh to myself and walk up the stairs. I shut myself in our room and lock the door.

I throw myself onto the bed and stare at the ceiling. I reach into my hoddie pocket at get my phone. I text Liza to come over and she texts immediately after that she is coming.

Daniel knocks on the door and he sighs and walks back down stairs. After waiting 20 minutes Liza texts me she is outside, I reply with "I'm coming out there we need to talk..." I unlock the door and open it. Slowly making my way down the stairs. Daniel looks at me and his eyes light up. I just shake my head and he sighs and looks back at the tv. I slip my Uggs back on and walk outside and sit on the bench. Liza gets out of her car and sits next to me. I hug her and start to cry onto her shoulder.

She hugs me back and starts to rub circles into my back. She picks up my head and wipes my tears.

L: Daniel again?

J: yeah...

L: I'm going to talk to him...

J: please don't make him mad.. he will take it out on me

She nods her head and makes her way inside. I hear the door shut and I think to myself "I'm never going to hear the end of this..."

Liza's POV

I walk inside and lightly close the door. I walk into the living room and stand in front of the tv. I pick up the remote off of the table and turn off the tv. I set down the remote and cross my arms.

D: what do you want

L: well for one thing your boyfriend is outside crying because of you. He says you always leave when you two fight and don't come back for minim THREE hours! What's wrong with you?!

D: everything ok? Now why don't you mind your own business and let us handle this ourselves

L: you almost made joey KILL HIMSELF countless times Daniel! You need help.. you always find a way to get into the mans head and you fuck with him. Mess up his whole day because you leave and probably go fuck around with your jock friends. You don't care what his day his like, don't care if he is sad, don't even are if he is screaming and crying because of what you did to him, you don't even care if he is on the side of the road needing you to pick him up because his car broke down and no one will pick him up. YOU DONT CARE FOR HIM DANIEL!


L: HE TELLS ME EVERYTHING OK? Who makes his day better when you are being a complete ass hole dick face? ME! Who always texts him asking how he is feeling? ME! Who is always there for him when he is crying? ME! Who picked him up when YOU where with John and Dante smoking pot and said to get another ride from someone? ME! HIS PREGNANT BABY MAMA THAT CAN BARLEY MOVE! I CARE FOR JOEY MORE THAN YOU AND YOU ARE HIS BOYFRIEND! LEARN HOW TO LOVE HIM BEFORE YOU SETTLE DOWN WITH HIM! you are the most pathetic thing ever, you are probably just using him for his fame now, you need to love him and actually care for him Daniel! Now I'm not talking him into breaking up with you if anything it's just care for JOEY before you care for YOUR FRIENDS!

D: you're right.... you're 100% right Liza... I'm a bad boyfriend. I don't use him for fame though but almost everything you said was right. I'm a bad boyfriend and I need to learn how to care for other people...

Daniel puts his head in his hands. I roll my arms and make my way to the door. I hear a soft, "wait" and I turn around

L: what?

D: tell Joey I'm sorry.. I'll try to get better.

I nod my head and walk outside. I see joey with his feet up to his chest and his head in his knees.

J: you're right... everything you said was correct. He is a bad boyfriend but I love him.

I sigh and sit down next to him and out my arm around him.

L: he said sorry.

J: sometimes sorry doesn't cut it... seriously he misses prom because he went out with Dante to go bowling.

L: that was a dick move but please... don't leave him

J: no promises...

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