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~Joeys POV~

I'm currently in math class still thinking about what my dad told me yesterday. On the bright side I get to go to the party tonight with Daniel. Hopefully it gets my mind off of something's... Hopefully I don't...

Mrs.Snyder: Joey?

J: yes?

MS: do the problem on the bored and explain how you did it

J: okay

I go up to the bored and see a problem involving areas of circles

J: well you need to find the area of both circles. You usually start out with the larger one. It gives the diameter so you have to divide that by 2 to get the radius. Then you use the formula A=Pi R squared. You plug in the numbers with the formula so it looks like this "A=3.14•7^2 which equals 153.86in2.Then you repeat those steps for the smaller circle. A=3.14•4^2 and that equals 50.24in2. If you want to find the area of the shaded piece you have to subtract them. And the area of the shaded circle is 103.62in^2.

(That is 7th grade math... idk any high school stuff)

MS: great job Joey, you are the only one who got that right on the test

J; yay me

I walk over to my seat and stare at the wall.

MS: you can talk for the 10 minutes we have left

She is actually a great teacher... even though we talk a lot

D: Joey

J: yeah sweetie?

D: how did you know that?

J: what do you mean?

D: That's stuff we haven't learned yet

J: it's common sense babe

D: then you have a lot of it... but not when we were fu....

J: I'm going to cut you off there

D: why?

J: the whole class would hear that we fucked last night!

The whole class turns and looks at me

J: hello everyone. I am 17 and I am not a virgin... get over it

The whole class turns around and keeps talking

D: when did you become so feisty?

J: ever since last night

The whole class turns again some random kid yells from the front


D: isn't it obvious.... I'm top dumb ass

J: Omg Daniel!

D: oh well. I thought they already knew

J; hey you could actually be a pussy and this "tough guy" thing as all an act. And a guy who is 4 inches shorter than you is drilling you into the ground. Sadly that isn't the case

D:.... "drilled into the ground" sounds Familiar..

J: you need to stop

No Strings Attached; Janiel FanFiction [COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now