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~Joeys POV~

It's around 5:30 and I have 15 minutes before I need to shower. Liza texts me so I pick up my phone.

Liza: What are we going to name it?

Joey: well I know a girl name I've always liked...

Liza: what is it?

Joey: Emma Paige. But what if it's a boy?

Liza: aww that's cute :) if it's a boy I like Mason Thomas...

Joey: cute. Whose last name is the baby going to take?

Liza: well you're the dad so I think She/He should take ours if that's ok

Joey: yeah, well I need to take a shower. Me and Daniel can pick you up for school if you want.

Liza: yeah text me when you're here

Joey: ok

Daniel walks out of the bathroom and starts to get dressed. I hop into the shower



Joey+Daniel: we'll try

Daniel and I get into the car and start to drive to Liza's house

D: what's are you going to name it....

J: Emma Paige Graceffa or Mason Thomas Graceffa

D: those are cute! So he is taking you're last name

J: Liza wanted it...

Daniel seemed a little out of it. We haven't kissed for Days. He sleeps with his back turned towards me. In worried about me and him. I'm going to talk to him tonight and see what's up, hopefully he doesn't get mad... again

Liza gets into the back seat. He says hi and closes the door

L: so here is my question... we are semi popular on YouTube... how are we going to tell the 500 thousand people watching us?

D: do they know you're Bi?

J: well not yet.... if I tell them this they will never believe It

L: Bi means you like boys and girls dummy...

J: I'm new to this....

D: don't people watch you at our school

L: kinda I mean not anyone popular. Mainly 14 year olds watch us and say we should date.... they will definitely think we are dating then.

J: well we will have to explain what happened then

D: well are we going to tell people?

L: I feel like they can find out themselves. I'm not telling anyone neither are you. Ok?

J; what if it slips out?

L: then it does...

We make it to school. I'm very nervous because she has random mood swings. Hopefully she doesn't have any bad ones during school or anything. We talked to Mrs. Snyder into moving Sawyer away from us and letting Liza sit with us. I sit near her in like every class we have together so I can keep an eye on her.

We walk into school. Someone gives me a dirty look and scoffs

X: hey nerds!

Liza: who the fuck are you?

No Strings Attached; Janiel FanFiction [COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now