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Joeys POV

I'm sitting at my desk trying to do homework. I can't concentrate on anything right now, I have barely any friends because I quit harp. All of the popular ones are starting to talk to Daniel again because he is the fucking quarterback. Hopefully that will bring up my reputation a little...

I need to tell Liza. She is the only person I can trust right now. I look for my phone around me and realize I left it down stairs. "Fuck..." I mumble and open the door a little. I see Daniel sitting across the hallway with his head in his knees crying. I shake my head and make my way down stairs. I grab my phone and walk back upstairs... only to see Daniel standing at the top with his arms crossed.

D: talk to me

J: I believe we just did earlier.

D: no... about school. How are we going to act?

J: what? You are saying random things. Lemme guess you and john are doing drugs now?

Daniel punches the wall and I tense up a little bit.



D: how are we going to act in front of the camera? Friends? Family?

J: like we used to before you fucking rapped me...

I walk into the room and slam the door closed and lock it. I hear him slide down the door and start to cry again.

I scroll through my endless contacts from when I was well liked to get Liza. I quickly find it and call her.

L: hello?

J: Liza we need to talk...

L: aww what happened?

J: are you on speaker?

L: yeah why?

J: it's kinda important so can you like leave the room or something and put me off speaker?

L: yeah hold on..... ok you're off

J: well last night Daniel and I fought... kinda

L: what kind of fight.... physical?

J: if you would call it that...

L: wait... did he fucking rape you?

J: yeah.

L: I'm coming down right now. I was planning on leaving soon because my family is too fucking calm about my grandma dying. Be there tomorrow morning to pick you up...

J: thanks Liza. You know I love you...

L: love you too J. Leaving now.

J: Kay bye

I hang up and out my phone down. I hear Daniel unlock the door and storm in. I stand up from the chair and he slams his hands into the desk.


J: why do you even care...

D: because I want to find out if my boyfriend is cheating on me..

J: did you hear me say "thanks Liza. You know I love you." I swear you hear what you want to hear...

Daniel slams me against the wall and holds me against the wall.

D: stop making fun of me you bastard

J: what are you going to do? Slap me again? Choke me again? Or rape me again?

I push Daniel away and start to walk away. He grabs my shoulder but I slap it off and walk out of the room.

No Strings Attached; Janiel FanFiction [COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now