Ch. 10

322 11 12

Daniels POV

J+D: CAT!?

C: Get out of the car...

J: why should we?

Cat pulls out a life knife and grins at us.

I whisper to joey to stay still..... I was planning on getting out of the car and fighting her like I did with my dad but i notice that the car is still on.


I slam on the gas and run over her feet. She screams in pain. She runs after the back of the car and try's to jump on... I put the car in reverse and go backwards and slam on my breaks my accident. She hits the back of the car and I scream and accidentally hit the car to go forward and I run over one of her arms and her left leg....





J: go check....

D: ok

I get out of the car and see her laying there with a huge cut on her forehead. I look closer and see her leg bent a weird way and her arm bent backwards.... I take her knife away just in case she wakes up.

D: Call 911.....

J: Already did

We wait about 15 minutes and 2 cop cars come to the parking lot

(There are 4 police officers. Paige, Amber, Hunter, and Bryan.)

Paige: DANIEL?

Amber: you know him?

Paige: he is the boy where his Dad went crazy and his mom and dad ended up dying

Bryan: what happened?

Daniel: well me and you boyfriend joey went to KennyWood. The whole time I felt watched, I brushed it off and kept going. We walked to my car and we saw a girl with black hair and she got into a black car and followed us for 15 minutes..... I told Joey and he said to pull over, I did and she pulled into the parking lot with us. She knocked on the window and told us to get out. Joey asked why and she pulled out a knife.... I stepped on the gas and ran over her feet. She ran after the car and tried to jump on the back so I slammed on the breaks and the car hit her....

Hunter: Why would she want to do that?

Joey gets out of the car basically shaking.....

J: well she is my ex girlfriend. She cheated on me because I wouldn't sleep with her. Later I found out I was gay but that's besides the point. I called her a slut the night we broke up and she hates that.

Paige: That's no excuse to do that tho....

D: Joey you never knew this but Cat was my ex girlfriend. At the funeral I never really got a foot look at her.... we broke up because I wouldn't sleep with her. Probably jealous of us or something and wanted todo something about it.

Amber: sounds right. It was self defense so they can't press charges....

Bryan: she is dead....

J: it's for the greater good tho....

Hunter: maybe, maybe not what about the people who love her

J: she is a very Dangerous person.... she almost raped me before..... good thing I run track

D: I never want to hear that story or I will scream outside "JOEY LIKES DICK!" So every girl stays away from you....

We all share a chuckle and the ambulance comes and puts Cat into a body bag....

J: I want to go home....

D: same here

Paige: Daniel?

D: go to the car joey..... yeah?

P: are you ok?

D: what you mean?

P: your mom and dad....

D: how do you know?

P: I was there, I was the female cop you cried on. I told you everything was ok....

D: oh yeah I'm pretty good I guess. I don't miss my dad as much as my mom.

P: figures.

D; I got to go joey wants to go home...

P: see ya around kid

D: you too....

I walk over to my car and see joey crying....

D: what's wrong sweetie?

J: really? Your asking me what's wrong? I WITNESSED SOMEONE DIE!

D: so did I....

J: you don't have a background with her...

D: didn't you hear me say she was my ex girlfriend too?

J: wait what?!

D: yeah when I was 15 we dated and she wanted to kiss me.... I said no and she tried to force it. I turnt my head so she kissed my cheek... then 2 months later she wanted to have sex I said no. We never even kissed. She got mad and we broke up. We talked until she got a new Boyfriend, which was you I guess.

J: why did you never tell me?

D: I never got a good look at her at the funeral... plus my Brain wasn't thinking right then. My parents just died...

J: oh...

The whole car ride was silent and we almost got home and I looked joey in his eyes and said

D: I will never hurt you ok? I know why your so scared and shaky.... you just witnessed your boyfriend kill your ex girlfriend

J: I know it's just shocking....

D: I love you, jus remember that ok?

J: I love you too....

Share a quick peck and walk inside the house



E: yeah, my facebook was blowing up with all of your friends asking if you were ok..

D: did they say he had a boyfriend?!

E: unfortunately they did...


D: calm down joey. We will settle this out tomorrow it's 3 am...

J: ok....

We makes our way upstairs and joey jumps onto my bed and cries into my pillow.

D: Aww sweetie come here.

I lay down next to him and he buries his head into my chest.....

J: I don't know what to do Danny....

D: we will talk about this tomorrow sweetie. You need to sleep

J: ok love you goodnight

D: goodnight princess

I slowly drift off to sleep and joey asks me....

J: I want to start YouTube. You think I would be any good it?

D: you will be great honey....

J: I'll make a channel tomorrow

D: ok, now goodnight

J: night, it was just a thought....

D: Love you sweet pea

J: Love you Danny

A/N I tried 😂

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