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^^^^Hector the Hero

~Daniels POV~

Joey gets out of bed around 6 pm and says, "I'm ready to play for you now..."

D: you're harp is at your house tho...

J: I have the key Danny

D: ok hurry up sweet pea

I say down on my phone waiting for joey to some back.

After around 10 minutes he come back with a beautiful white cream harp.

J: I'm going to play a song that my mom taught me. This was the first song she ever taught me. "Hector the Hero"

Joey smiles and raises his F strings and starts to play. It's a very slow loving sad song. It brings tears to my eyes and I think about how lucky I am to have him.

The song ends and he gets up and hugs me.

J: I love you

D: I love you too. I wanna play something now.... something fast

I decide to play whisky before breakfast. Fast and short song

J: wow, your good with your hands 😏

D: I thought you already knew that...

J: I can't remember how.... come and show me

I felt like trolling a little bit so I slowly walked over to him and pushed him on the bed. I smirked and started tickling him

J: Daniel stopppp

D: say the magic words

J: please?

D: nope

J: your hot?

D: true but no

I start tickling harder the he screams


D: bingo....

I stop and kiss his cheek

J: ugh sometimes I hate you -.-

D: you weren't saying that today tho

J: omg stop

D: "Omg Daniel I love you. Faster."


Joey throws a pillow at me and I dramatically fall over and pretend to be bed.

J: oh no I have killed Danny what ever should I do? I know

He jumps on me and kisses my face all over and I start to giggle

D: you have healed me. Oh what the suffering I went through today

J: you weren't saying that earlier... "omg Joey. So tight." *makes a dramatic moan*

D: omg stop

J: 2 can play at that game Daniel...

D: I'm not even going to say I hate you right now because we both are way to dirty minded

J: yeah I dropped my mind on the floor and forgot to wash it

D: omg your so sarcastic

J: no... I'm joey

No Strings Attached; Janiel FanFiction [COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now